Name: Tai Storm (formally, and only to the closest of people, Gray Rumo)
Species: Human (cyborg)
Age: 33
Sex: Male
Height/Weight: 6'1" 375 lbs.
Tai's close defense armor/body.
Tai doesn't look too much like he use to. His cyberization left his looking different than what he use to: slightly shorter, wider in the torso, no eyes, and black limbs/torso, and eye implants.
Personality: Tai is not very talkative, and always gets the job done, no matter what it is. The only time he's a team player is on a larger scale mission, otherwise he prefers to work alone. He doesn't seem to care about anyone, even his own daughter, who he didn't he get into contact after the mission which almost killed him, and left everyone to think he was dead.
Character Rank: Republic. Rank TBA
Special Skills: Very strong and fast.
High intelligence.
Quick thoughts and reflexes
Cybernetic replacements/enhancements.
Expert close combat.
Accurate sniper and range fighter.
Lightsaber Forms:Form I: Shii-Cho (Advance)
Form IV: Ataru (Proficient)
Form V: Shien/ Djem So (Advance)
Form VII: Juyo (Proficient)
Physical AttributesStrength: 80 (Cyberized arms and legs)
Speed: 85 (same as above)
Intelligence: 78 (Cyberized cranial implants)
Force ProficiencyTelekinesis: 75
Telepathy: 50
Body: 40
Sense: 60
Channel: 0
Alignment: 40
Cybernetics: Tai's arms, legs, eyes, and portions of his torso and brain are completely artificial. The arm cybernetics go from the shoulder down to his fingertips, forcing his cybernetics there to go deep into his torso. For his legs, everything from the waist down is entirely cyberized. For the sake of everyone else, he wear's pants, even if he has no need for them. (Yup: lost his manhood in the war.)
Both arms and legs are made of duranium and durasteel, with a strip of cortosis three inches wide running down the backside of his forearm. For combat purposes: His arms contains four vibroblades which exit out his knuckles, each a foot long. His right arm also contains an intigrated shoto red lightsaber, forward and rear facing, so he could stab someone with his elbow, which is a good way to take someone by surprise. His left arm contains a flame thrower with enough fuel for 45 seconds of continuous use. The formula of the fuel allows it to keep burning the target for some time, allowing Tai to save as much fuel as possible. It contains a fiber cable and hook, which he can launch to get to places too high to jump to, as well as a sonic cannon so at to be better at fighting off force wielders without reviling himself to be one as well.
Both arms also has a small yet heavy piston which can be used to punch with enough force to blow down thin durasteel walls, and have more than enough force to kill someone with a simple punch. His left arm contains a port and small datapad screenm which allows him to plug into sockets and slice terminals and droids.
His legs have powerful servos, and are built for speed and to hold his own weight, as well as over a ton, even though it would be rare for him to be carrying that much, if ever there was a need to. These legs allow him to run quickly, and dodge and move around at speeds which the human eye has trouble tracking. The upper portion of his outer legs contained ports for his lightsabers, which are shot out into his waiting hands by using compressed air.
Tai's eyes are very similar to sunglasses, which the lack of glowing allow him much better stealth. They allow him, thanks to implants in his brain and skull, NV and IR. His implants also scan for weapons his opponents would carry, and this also works as an X-ray, seeing down to the skeleton of an opponent. His cranial implants include a micro computer to enhance his thinking process, as well as handle the status of his body and weapons. He also has ear implants allowing him to focus on what he chooses to, and can pick up sounds that no non-cyberized person could.
His torso contains supports for his arms, and a thin layer of kevlar under his skin. The power generator is also in his torso, taking up where much of his intestines were, and up his back surrounding his spine. The only exposed surfaces for this are on his back, which are covered by a layer of armor. His front is thick armorweive, which makes it look like he's wearing a shirt and armored vest. His heart, lungs, and remaining organs are all artificial, not only to resist the heat of the power generator. He takes in nourishment through special made meals, similar to MRE's, which is absorbed much faster and last longer, allowing him to go for long, at least a day times without the need to eat, and he can starve himself for days before he needs to find something to eat. Tai can still eat anything he chooses, and surprisingly can still taste.
His entire body is a faraday cage, but instead of rerouting all forms of energy to the ground, electrical types, such as a stun baton, the stun settings on a blaster, or even an an overload of a terminal, would be routed to his generator. Ion energy and the like would be routed to the ground.
Purchases: None.