Post by Ragsmire on Nov 19, 2010 5:52:27 GMT -5
Name: Walter Hemsliworth the are Ermm...
Species: Near/Sub-human.
Age: 19 years young.
Height/Weight:5"6' with 237 pounds of RAW muscle!
Before being injected with compound seven.
Once a happy go lucky street kid from Tatooine, Walter Hemsliworth, or has he is now known, Ermm, loved adventure, excitement, and the ladies. Always in the mood for a rigorous challenge of both his mind and body Walter was something of the village hero, and considered the best swordsmen in the entire town Mos Ila.
However has time passed and the maturing Walter realized that good looks and charm wouldn't get him a high paying job on the sinkhole Tatooine was, but then again not much would, and that he just didn't have the smarts to actively pursue a career Walter did the only thing he thought he could do. joined the Imperial army.
Serving only thee months in the empire Walter had the misfortune of being assigned to the new resident doctor in the temple, Nikana. The doctor ordered dozens of troops to lay down their arms or be shot on sight be the commissar whom oversaw the rookie squad. Walter was one of the first to be taken, and thus changed forever into Ermm... Once he became Ermm... Walter had become no more, not a single trace of the boy he was lived on inside of Ermm... Who he was now was a even dumber, and oddly enough shorter, man who happened to be ripped to the core from the drug and...have a speech impediment, but some thought that maybe a part of Walter was there, deep, deep, deep! down inside.
Unarmed Combat:80
Ranged Weapons:9
Melee Weapons:80
Mechanical Skill:1
Tech Skill:00.9
Alignment:He doesn't even know what that word means!
Born on Tatooine to a pair of upper lower middle class denizens of Mos Ila, Walter's future prospects never looked to bright, regardless of how much hope both his parents gave him. His father was addicted to gambling, which meant any small amount of crash the family did manage to save up was quickly expended. And another that wasn't used by his father had been spend on liqueur by his mother.
The single thing that Walter had been blessed with were his incredible good looks, even from a young age it was abundantly clear that he was gorgeous to look at, and would only grow to become more so. Between that and his electronic personality with men and woman alike Walter was truly and every man's man...and womans'.
At the young age of five Walter had to learn to steal food and other necessities from passerby's and any other unfortunate bastards who fell ill to Tatooines grasp, "once they were on it, there was no getting off." Walter used to always tell himself. Once the boy got lucky and happened to steal a rare heirloom from a pack of young woman whom found little Walter to be oh so adorable and were too distracted to notice his friend Erk pickpocket their...pockets...what did you think?
Walter soon discovered he was also blessed with an incredible amount of pure luck, like Walt, Erk wasn't the brightest bulb, but unlike Walt he just didn't get it. Erk was practically in his own world half of the time and the other half was spend thinking the sky would fall and crush him. It was thanks to this that Walter got to sell the Heirloom and take the entire bounty from it, a surprising large 1,500 credits, however when you take in the fact that the heirloom was worth well over ten times that amount you realize just how stupid that deal was.
Hiding the credits from his mother and Father Walter hoped to buy himself a beam rifle when he became old enough to use it, that way he could kill wild animals to eat, or barter with. until that day he continued to steal whatever table scraps and few credits he could manage, adding the credits to his stash.
Once he turned Twelve Walter had his first girlfriend, a thirteen year old spoiled rich kid from across the way, or has his ma and pa called it. "That there big city!" the girls parents wanted to move away from the major city due to the large amounts of crime infecting the streets. She took the initial interest in him and, Walter simply being the lady killer he is, took it for what it was worth. She would be him everything from food, to clothes, to knickknacks and toys.
The relationship was beneficial on both sides, Walter known he'd live another day for has long has they were together, and Jesseria got to brag about dating the most handsomest boy in all tatooine. But once Jess' parents caught onto the relationship her father forbade any contact with the, as he referred to Walter. "Hideous rat monkey!" That however only worked to Walter's benefit.
The sear fact that her father said no made Jess want to date Walter a million times more, and they did in secret for three more years until Walter became fifteen. Deciding it was time to buy that rifle Walter retrieved his life's saving from their super hiding spot, under his bed, and went to the town market to purchase one of the beaten up weapons.
Before making it to the guy rake however Walter was induced by the appearance of a mysterious old man to check his wares instead, and boy the wares he had. A full body leather dragon skin outfit, with matching sword and blaster pistol, all for a mere 3,000 credits. Having a little more then three quarters of that Walter managed to haggle the price down to his last cent, but did acquire the combo.
And from that day forward Walter decided to take on the identity of a superhero and would protect the people of Ila from any and all criminals! The primary flaw in his plan, which, don't get the wrong idea, was full of flaws, had been that Ila is seldom robbed, or anything of the sort, their was nothing to take, and only bounty hunters came by, and even then that was to get bounty's of course.
however Walter had become so obsessed with his superhero persona that it took more and more time away from Jess until the point she declared them through. Walter brushed off the tantrum and proudly announced to the people of Ila. "Worry not fair citizens, this is nothing, she'll be back i can promise you!"
However she never did ask for him back. And in fact never saw him again, instead moving away again. However it was no concern of the Steel buzz ninja! his superhero name. one day when Walter was sixteen He thought it a wise idea to expand his operation into the fair city of Mos Eisley! And therefore he did, and actually managed to kill a few criminals. Until the local law enforcement realized he was doing it without a bounty hunters license and threw him in jail.
Imprisoned for several Day Walter was released after awhile, once the juror realized he could have gone days earlier. Now on the streets again Walter once again hunter down Evil doers with his sword of justice, and even developed the patented Ball kick of freedom attack! Which he would utilize as a surprise attack when things seemed to be going south.
While Walter was a total Douche Bag and did act like an idiot the majority of the time he gradually became skilled, at least to a degree, with his sword. And eventually the real police would just leave him to it, worst comes to worst they just had another body to clean up off the streets. This is where our story of Walter Hemsliworth the third really starts to get interesting, so stay tuned!
Really getting into the thick of his crime fighting career Walter thought he knew it all, how to sway the ladies, catch the bad guys, and stay super popular with his ever expanding fan base, it wasn't just his mom and dad at this point, whom only cared enough to get some credits for gambling and alcohol, oh no, now young teenage girls from across Tatooine started to take an interest in his life, even to the point of getting a holodruma made in his honor, or loosely based, has the producer put it.
While the details were scarce from Walter's understanding it would center on a enigmatic figure, such as himself, and a has of yet unnamed anti-hero who would compete for the afflictions of a teenage girl. After half the season had aired a common question amongst young girls was Team Steel buzz ninja, or iron razor pirate, the anti hero's super villain persona. Regardless of that all however Walter still had to deal with the real world and his struggles between managing the little school work he had, his social life, and his superhero career.
Several years later, which was actually only about two, Walter always liked to say it was several, he finally had to give up on the super hero bus' after spraining his ankle pretty badly during a bank heist. One banker was reported as saying at the time of the tragic Incident; "Ah man, i knew setting up a branch on tatooine was a horrible idea! Take the money, take the- what the hell...why is that guy wearing a costume, wait a minute he isn't coming this way is he? Oh no, here go hell come." Moments later Steel buss ninja sprang into action, literally jumping through the glass wall/window tripping while in action and twisting his ankle, thus ending his crime fighting days.
Considering how he was a trained and extremely dangerous killer and that point Walter knew his life was one that had to be lived on the battlefield, and for that reason he filled out a imperial draft forum only a week after sprain. Considering the fact that fighting super villains had to be twenty times more dangerous then anything any soldier ever did Walter didn't worry too much about joining the army in the mist of a war.
After a few weeks he was shipped off to boot camp on Caridan, at the military institution located there he would receive very basic training on topics such as how to fire a blaster, the differences in combat armor, some sword training, and several other...things of that nature. Already assuming he was above this and knew it all Walter demanded to be put straight into the action, and was swiftly punished for his insubordination with three days solitary confinement without rations.
Lashing out several more times during his months in basic somehow, sexual favors most presumed, Walter passed, with a respectable grade, certainly not the best, but not has bad has most would have ping him for, which is why it was commonly agreed upon that some sexual favors had to have exchanged...well you know what i mean.
However despite his alright score they positioned him for his first assignment on Coruscant for guard duty around the jedi temple. The weeks crawled by like a hutt, so to pass the time Walter would often ditch his position along with his fellow security guard, James, and hit the coruscantian night scene. the next few months would pass about the same way, show up for work, wait until dark rolled around and the officer on call would head home to be with his family, assuming the two were smart enough to stay at their post behind the temple, thus protecting its rear entrance, a common joke amongst the two, and once they were sure he'd left, so would they. And hit the clubs!
However one week Walt was dealt a bad hand, all day shifts. And in correspondence to his only week of bad luck a new arrival had taken up residency in the lower levels of the temple and was, according to other guards, extremely demanding of their attention, thus ruining easy in security, whatever that meant, Walt uttered the phrase once while on duty. Walt was lucky enough to almost sneak by the week without being called into the lower levels, however on his last day of day watch that luck ran thin.
Dragging the requested kath hound with him Walt came face to face with the Doctor Nikana, or crazy pants crazy migee! has Walt considered him upon the initial meeting. Ordering him to wait just outside Several hours passed before Walt was finally called into the lab again. The kath hound dead on the floor would have been enough to inform most that something bad was about to happen, not to mention the ominous music that had been playing since he arrived. But Walt being slow minded has always just ignored that and did has the doctor requested, all the while thinking about Sierra whom he had met the other night at the club.
Taking a seat and being strapped in Nikana injected the "vitamin sublimate." into his arm and waited, several minutes of excruciating pain later Walt began to undergo a few changes, his skin peeled off to reveal the fleshy pinkness underneath, his hair fell out in huge clumps, And he even grew more muscly. However after the initial transformation Walt's breathing slowed to a crawl and it appeared as if he'd died. Assuming he did Nikana threw his body in one of the cells with a surviving Kath hound from an earlier test so it could snake on the remains.
Doing just that the little cub started chewing on his skull, nibbling and gnawing at it for hours until finally the sedative agent he'd been given wore off. At that point Walt, now further transformed, rose up to crush the little beast and instead it was the one that was being eaten. Quickly finishing it Walter sat in the cell for several more hours until he found himself hungry once more. He paced the cell once or twice looking for something within the ten by ten space until finally realizing that it was all for nigh and plumped down as he began to cry about the rumbling in his tumbling.
After falling asleep from several more hours of crying Walter awoke to find the Doctor from before pacing by his cage. Running up and into the energy field instantly in an attempt to perhaps eat him Walt realized that glowing things are bad, and they hurt! Instead he grabbed some of the bones from the inside of the Kath hound and banged against the walls with them until due attention was paid. Nikana unlocked the cell and spoke strange words at Walter, asking thing called name, and who he was, apparently the doctor had forgotten, but did Walt, so who was to blame for that really?
"Ermm..." Had been the only answer Walter was able to give, and from thus forward until he somehow becomes smarter, if that happens, Walter was known has Ermm... Ermm was given shot shot and put to sleep so the Doctor could run a few test, when he woke again Ermm was on a treadmill and told to catch the Twinkie hanging in front of him. Running after it Ermm found out that no matter how fast he chased the little treat it was always just out of arms reach. He did manage to catch a rouge notion and comment here and there regarding these things that weren't letters, but didn't appear to be shapes ether, numbers is what he would latter learn they were, about how fast he ran in pursuit of the little treat, or something.
Eventually however Ermm found out, by tripping and falling, that if he lay on his back the treat would come to him, at that point the doctor decided it best to move to another exercise. A twinkie toss! Nikana would have some more guards throw all manner of taste foods at Ermm, however Ermm only got to eat what he caught in his mouth while it passed. Initially the program seemed destined to fail as Ermm managed a zero out of fifty. but after several more trials of this same test gradually Ermm's reaction time increased, as his hunger did, until it came to the point that he nearly scored a perfect, eighty-seven out of one hundred treats.
However that was a bit of a jump into the future, so back in the past Ermm still had to test his strength at the land of heavy objects, first a twenty, then a forty, then a eighty, and so pound ball until he could handle lift said ball, that point came at around two hundred forty. Then a large bar with roundies on ether end, refereed to by the doctor one time as a "Barbell" Ermm's nickname for it was always, and still is, a roundie. That maxed out at around three hundred. They also had many test for his ability to lift things with his legs, one arm, left right, fingers, even his head bashing skills once, which was his favorite. Put simply the doctor asked Ermm to continue to smash his head against things until the point came that it ether A; didn't break, or B; his head hurt too much to continue.
And finally The doctor wanted to Test Ermm's endurance, and to do this he took him to the upper levels of the world, what was the world to Ermm at least, really it was just the temple, where he foughted robots! Ermm wasn't sure how much time passed, just that it took a really long time for the doctor to conclude the exercise. During it he was allowed to use anything and everything in the room, and while he liked the big crusher, otherwise known as a hammer, Ermm surprisingly took quite the liking to the quick slasher, otherwise considered a vibrosword.
Several weeks passed and Ermm was constantly tested during the time that had elapsed, if he did good during the tests he'd get prizes of his picking, from food to pets, to pretty little things and more. If he did bad however Ermm would be punished, Ermm hated being punished and therefore tried very hard to not fail. And while Ermm thought him a friend the doctor gradually stopped appearing at the tests, until one day just last week if Ermm recalled correctly, The doctor tolded Ermm that he had finished his training phase and was ready to become active, Giving him heavy costume fitted and equipped Juggernaut 510 Combat Power Armor Ermm was now dressed in style, but to top off the deal the doctor didn't just give Ermm a quick slasher, but also a big crusher. Strapping the big crusher to his back and tying the quick slasher around his waist The doctor informed Ermm that it was now his duty to become a super hero and protect the things the empire deemed worthy of protecting.
Ermm's Big smasher
Species: Near/Sub-human.
Age: 19 years young.
Height/Weight:5"6' with 237 pounds of RAW muscle!
Before being injected with compound seven.
Once a happy go lucky street kid from Tatooine, Walter Hemsliworth, or has he is now known, Ermm, loved adventure, excitement, and the ladies. Always in the mood for a rigorous challenge of both his mind and body Walter was something of the village hero, and considered the best swordsmen in the entire town Mos Ila.
However has time passed and the maturing Walter realized that good looks and charm wouldn't get him a high paying job on the sinkhole Tatooine was, but then again not much would, and that he just didn't have the smarts to actively pursue a career Walter did the only thing he thought he could do. joined the Imperial army.
Serving only thee months in the empire Walter had the misfortune of being assigned to the new resident doctor in the temple, Nikana. The doctor ordered dozens of troops to lay down their arms or be shot on sight be the commissar whom oversaw the rookie squad. Walter was one of the first to be taken, and thus changed forever into Ermm... Once he became Ermm... Walter had become no more, not a single trace of the boy he was lived on inside of Ermm... Who he was now was a even dumber, and oddly enough shorter, man who happened to be ripped to the core from the drug and...have a speech impediment, but some thought that maybe a part of Walter was there, deep, deep, deep! down inside.
Unarmed Combat:80
Ranged Weapons:9
Melee Weapons:80
Mechanical Skill:1
Tech Skill:00.9
Alignment:He doesn't even know what that word means!
Born on Tatooine to a pair of upper lower middle class denizens of Mos Ila, Walter's future prospects never looked to bright, regardless of how much hope both his parents gave him. His father was addicted to gambling, which meant any small amount of crash the family did manage to save up was quickly expended. And another that wasn't used by his father had been spend on liqueur by his mother.
The single thing that Walter had been blessed with were his incredible good looks, even from a young age it was abundantly clear that he was gorgeous to look at, and would only grow to become more so. Between that and his electronic personality with men and woman alike Walter was truly and every man's man...and womans'.
At the young age of five Walter had to learn to steal food and other necessities from passerby's and any other unfortunate bastards who fell ill to Tatooines grasp, "once they were on it, there was no getting off." Walter used to always tell himself. Once the boy got lucky and happened to steal a rare heirloom from a pack of young woman whom found little Walter to be oh so adorable and were too distracted to notice his friend Erk pickpocket their...pockets...what did you think?
Walter soon discovered he was also blessed with an incredible amount of pure luck, like Walt, Erk wasn't the brightest bulb, but unlike Walt he just didn't get it. Erk was practically in his own world half of the time and the other half was spend thinking the sky would fall and crush him. It was thanks to this that Walter got to sell the Heirloom and take the entire bounty from it, a surprising large 1,500 credits, however when you take in the fact that the heirloom was worth well over ten times that amount you realize just how stupid that deal was.
Hiding the credits from his mother and Father Walter hoped to buy himself a beam rifle when he became old enough to use it, that way he could kill wild animals to eat, or barter with. until that day he continued to steal whatever table scraps and few credits he could manage, adding the credits to his stash.
Once he turned Twelve Walter had his first girlfriend, a thirteen year old spoiled rich kid from across the way, or has his ma and pa called it. "That there big city!" the girls parents wanted to move away from the major city due to the large amounts of crime infecting the streets. She took the initial interest in him and, Walter simply being the lady killer he is, took it for what it was worth. She would be him everything from food, to clothes, to knickknacks and toys.
The relationship was beneficial on both sides, Walter known he'd live another day for has long has they were together, and Jesseria got to brag about dating the most handsomest boy in all tatooine. But once Jess' parents caught onto the relationship her father forbade any contact with the, as he referred to Walter. "Hideous rat monkey!" That however only worked to Walter's benefit.
The sear fact that her father said no made Jess want to date Walter a million times more, and they did in secret for three more years until Walter became fifteen. Deciding it was time to buy that rifle Walter retrieved his life's saving from their super hiding spot, under his bed, and went to the town market to purchase one of the beaten up weapons.
Before making it to the guy rake however Walter was induced by the appearance of a mysterious old man to check his wares instead, and boy the wares he had. A full body leather dragon skin outfit, with matching sword and blaster pistol, all for a mere 3,000 credits. Having a little more then three quarters of that Walter managed to haggle the price down to his last cent, but did acquire the combo.
And from that day forward Walter decided to take on the identity of a superhero and would protect the people of Ila from any and all criminals! The primary flaw in his plan, which, don't get the wrong idea, was full of flaws, had been that Ila is seldom robbed, or anything of the sort, their was nothing to take, and only bounty hunters came by, and even then that was to get bounty's of course.
however Walter had become so obsessed with his superhero persona that it took more and more time away from Jess until the point she declared them through. Walter brushed off the tantrum and proudly announced to the people of Ila. "Worry not fair citizens, this is nothing, she'll be back i can promise you!"
However she never did ask for him back. And in fact never saw him again, instead moving away again. However it was no concern of the Steel buzz ninja! his superhero name. one day when Walter was sixteen He thought it a wise idea to expand his operation into the fair city of Mos Eisley! And therefore he did, and actually managed to kill a few criminals. Until the local law enforcement realized he was doing it without a bounty hunters license and threw him in jail.
Imprisoned for several Day Walter was released after awhile, once the juror realized he could have gone days earlier. Now on the streets again Walter once again hunter down Evil doers with his sword of justice, and even developed the patented Ball kick of freedom attack! Which he would utilize as a surprise attack when things seemed to be going south.
While Walter was a total Douche Bag and did act like an idiot the majority of the time he gradually became skilled, at least to a degree, with his sword. And eventually the real police would just leave him to it, worst comes to worst they just had another body to clean up off the streets. This is where our story of Walter Hemsliworth the third really starts to get interesting, so stay tuned!
Really getting into the thick of his crime fighting career Walter thought he knew it all, how to sway the ladies, catch the bad guys, and stay super popular with his ever expanding fan base, it wasn't just his mom and dad at this point, whom only cared enough to get some credits for gambling and alcohol, oh no, now young teenage girls from across Tatooine started to take an interest in his life, even to the point of getting a holodruma made in his honor, or loosely based, has the producer put it.
While the details were scarce from Walter's understanding it would center on a enigmatic figure, such as himself, and a has of yet unnamed anti-hero who would compete for the afflictions of a teenage girl. After half the season had aired a common question amongst young girls was Team Steel buzz ninja, or iron razor pirate, the anti hero's super villain persona. Regardless of that all however Walter still had to deal with the real world and his struggles between managing the little school work he had, his social life, and his superhero career.
Several years later, which was actually only about two, Walter always liked to say it was several, he finally had to give up on the super hero bus' after spraining his ankle pretty badly during a bank heist. One banker was reported as saying at the time of the tragic Incident; "Ah man, i knew setting up a branch on tatooine was a horrible idea! Take the money, take the- what the hell...why is that guy wearing a costume, wait a minute he isn't coming this way is he? Oh no, here go hell come." Moments later Steel buss ninja sprang into action, literally jumping through the glass wall/window tripping while in action and twisting his ankle, thus ending his crime fighting days.
Considering how he was a trained and extremely dangerous killer and that point Walter knew his life was one that had to be lived on the battlefield, and for that reason he filled out a imperial draft forum only a week after sprain. Considering the fact that fighting super villains had to be twenty times more dangerous then anything any soldier ever did Walter didn't worry too much about joining the army in the mist of a war.
After a few weeks he was shipped off to boot camp on Caridan, at the military institution located there he would receive very basic training on topics such as how to fire a blaster, the differences in combat armor, some sword training, and several other...things of that nature. Already assuming he was above this and knew it all Walter demanded to be put straight into the action, and was swiftly punished for his insubordination with three days solitary confinement without rations.
Lashing out several more times during his months in basic somehow, sexual favors most presumed, Walter passed, with a respectable grade, certainly not the best, but not has bad has most would have ping him for, which is why it was commonly agreed upon that some sexual favors had to have exchanged...well you know what i mean.
However despite his alright score they positioned him for his first assignment on Coruscant for guard duty around the jedi temple. The weeks crawled by like a hutt, so to pass the time Walter would often ditch his position along with his fellow security guard, James, and hit the coruscantian night scene. the next few months would pass about the same way, show up for work, wait until dark rolled around and the officer on call would head home to be with his family, assuming the two were smart enough to stay at their post behind the temple, thus protecting its rear entrance, a common joke amongst the two, and once they were sure he'd left, so would they. And hit the clubs!
However one week Walt was dealt a bad hand, all day shifts. And in correspondence to his only week of bad luck a new arrival had taken up residency in the lower levels of the temple and was, according to other guards, extremely demanding of their attention, thus ruining easy in security, whatever that meant, Walt uttered the phrase once while on duty. Walt was lucky enough to almost sneak by the week without being called into the lower levels, however on his last day of day watch that luck ran thin.
Dragging the requested kath hound with him Walt came face to face with the Doctor Nikana, or crazy pants crazy migee! has Walt considered him upon the initial meeting. Ordering him to wait just outside Several hours passed before Walt was finally called into the lab again. The kath hound dead on the floor would have been enough to inform most that something bad was about to happen, not to mention the ominous music that had been playing since he arrived. But Walt being slow minded has always just ignored that and did has the doctor requested, all the while thinking about Sierra whom he had met the other night at the club.
Taking a seat and being strapped in Nikana injected the "vitamin sublimate." into his arm and waited, several minutes of excruciating pain later Walt began to undergo a few changes, his skin peeled off to reveal the fleshy pinkness underneath, his hair fell out in huge clumps, And he even grew more muscly. However after the initial transformation Walt's breathing slowed to a crawl and it appeared as if he'd died. Assuming he did Nikana threw his body in one of the cells with a surviving Kath hound from an earlier test so it could snake on the remains.
Doing just that the little cub started chewing on his skull, nibbling and gnawing at it for hours until finally the sedative agent he'd been given wore off. At that point Walt, now further transformed, rose up to crush the little beast and instead it was the one that was being eaten. Quickly finishing it Walter sat in the cell for several more hours until he found himself hungry once more. He paced the cell once or twice looking for something within the ten by ten space until finally realizing that it was all for nigh and plumped down as he began to cry about the rumbling in his tumbling.
After falling asleep from several more hours of crying Walter awoke to find the Doctor from before pacing by his cage. Running up and into the energy field instantly in an attempt to perhaps eat him Walt realized that glowing things are bad, and they hurt! Instead he grabbed some of the bones from the inside of the Kath hound and banged against the walls with them until due attention was paid. Nikana unlocked the cell and spoke strange words at Walter, asking thing called name, and who he was, apparently the doctor had forgotten, but did Walt, so who was to blame for that really?
"Ermm..." Had been the only answer Walter was able to give, and from thus forward until he somehow becomes smarter, if that happens, Walter was known has Ermm... Ermm was given shot shot and put to sleep so the Doctor could run a few test, when he woke again Ermm was on a treadmill and told to catch the Twinkie hanging in front of him. Running after it Ermm found out that no matter how fast he chased the little treat it was always just out of arms reach. He did manage to catch a rouge notion and comment here and there regarding these things that weren't letters, but didn't appear to be shapes ether, numbers is what he would latter learn they were, about how fast he ran in pursuit of the little treat, or something.
Eventually however Ermm found out, by tripping and falling, that if he lay on his back the treat would come to him, at that point the doctor decided it best to move to another exercise. A twinkie toss! Nikana would have some more guards throw all manner of taste foods at Ermm, however Ermm only got to eat what he caught in his mouth while it passed. Initially the program seemed destined to fail as Ermm managed a zero out of fifty. but after several more trials of this same test gradually Ermm's reaction time increased, as his hunger did, until it came to the point that he nearly scored a perfect, eighty-seven out of one hundred treats.
However that was a bit of a jump into the future, so back in the past Ermm still had to test his strength at the land of heavy objects, first a twenty, then a forty, then a eighty, and so pound ball until he could handle lift said ball, that point came at around two hundred forty. Then a large bar with roundies on ether end, refereed to by the doctor one time as a "Barbell" Ermm's nickname for it was always, and still is, a roundie. That maxed out at around three hundred. They also had many test for his ability to lift things with his legs, one arm, left right, fingers, even his head bashing skills once, which was his favorite. Put simply the doctor asked Ermm to continue to smash his head against things until the point came that it ether A; didn't break, or B; his head hurt too much to continue.
And finally The doctor wanted to Test Ermm's endurance, and to do this he took him to the upper levels of the world, what was the world to Ermm at least, really it was just the temple, where he foughted robots! Ermm wasn't sure how much time passed, just that it took a really long time for the doctor to conclude the exercise. During it he was allowed to use anything and everything in the room, and while he liked the big crusher, otherwise known as a hammer, Ermm surprisingly took quite the liking to the quick slasher, otherwise considered a vibrosword.
Several weeks passed and Ermm was constantly tested during the time that had elapsed, if he did good during the tests he'd get prizes of his picking, from food to pets, to pretty little things and more. If he did bad however Ermm would be punished, Ermm hated being punished and therefore tried very hard to not fail. And while Ermm thought him a friend the doctor gradually stopped appearing at the tests, until one day just last week if Ermm recalled correctly, The doctor tolded Ermm that he had finished his training phase and was ready to become active, Giving him heavy costume fitted and equipped Juggernaut 510 Combat Power Armor Ermm was now dressed in style, but to top off the deal the doctor didn't just give Ermm a quick slasher, but also a big crusher. Strapping the big crusher to his back and tying the quick slasher around his waist The doctor informed Ermm that it was now his duty to become a super hero and protect the things the empire deemed worthy of protecting.
Ermm's Big smasher