Sir Lord Ash
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Posts: 1,887
Post by Sir Lord Ash on May 18, 2010 20:32:36 GMT -5
Quiet... Out of the way... This was exactly was Zero was looking for in a planet. Naboo met these requirements, well, save for what was going on at this time. He didn't seem much like his old self, after Gaia was ripped away from him, but he would get her back, or put her out of her misery.
Naboo has agreed to let the Black Knights have their base here if they provided defence if there an an attack, mainly from Imperial forces, and they tended to be the attacking kind. In agreement, the base was set near enough to Theed where a short ride by speeder, or anything else, and they woud be at city. Less than 200 meters from the base site was a large Lake, a point in the river running right past Theed.
Before him, most of the origional Essense of Ice was being used greatly. The aging ship was due to retire, but Zero had other uses for her: and that was a base of opperations that the black Knights could use. After having it torn apart, Zero sold all the weapons and had the metal, generators, and everything else brought here.
In the skies way above them, the newest addition to the Black Knights forces, the new Essence of Ice gently glided, orbiting the planet. At least the money he was given as compensation didn't go to waste. New fighters an the new MC-90 Mon-Cal Cruiser were purchased.
Local farmers could be seen watching the assembly of the new base. The generator was buried under ground, which would provide power to the complex. A larger and much more powerful one would be brought over when Cutter returned with ground forces and planetary defense gear.
The command tower of the old star destroyer was being assembled, half hidden underground. Around it, the sensor and communication array was being assembled. It was hard work for these men, but it was going fast, and the construction crew worked better, and faster, without the Knight's help, save for their AT-AT's and AT-TE's: sometimes some heavy ground support worked as their torque was good for moving heavy anything.
What the Knights did instead was work on setting up a firing range and barracks. Liger, Zero's CAS unit, helped out here, too, shreading armor sheets with its claws. Somehow, the droid controling it seemed happy to help out: like animals, its tail was wagging. The Knights that weren't working were taking a break by resting in the grass, or swimming.
It would only be a matter of time before the base was ready and opperationable. As soon as more forces came in, upgrades would br made of accomidate whatever surprised Cutter managed to get his hands on.
Sir Lord Ash
I dont wanna type a message here...
Posts: 1,887
Post by Sir Lord Ash on May 19, 2010 20:40:00 GMT -5
Black Knight Base XR-71, unofficially known as Blackbird
It was well into the next day that the command center for the base was fully opperational. It was currently being powered by the old Essence of Ice's power generators, but the Nabooians were working on getting everything set up to work with the planet's natural plasma core.
When that was fully set up, most likely weeks from now, it would provide plenty of natural, endless power to the entire base. Zero couldn't wait for that to happen, as it would be much more effective.
Above the planet, Zero saw, the Spirit of Fire appeared. From under her came six of her eight massive Titan dropships. If this many was dropped, then there was a shitload of surprises Cutter had for him.
Cutter was the first one out of the first landed dropship. These have been modified to have the entire fron aromor split vertically down the middle and open up like a set of doors. Inside each landing barge were may surprises.
2 held brand new, paint still tacky starfighters. Two carried 10 CAS units and hundreds of people, soldiers by how they moved. The last two looked like planetary weapons, a shield, and base defense turrents of various types. Zero couldn't help but break out in laughter as Cutter neared.
Glad you like them, Zero. I can tell you one thing, son, it was hard to get everything that we have here. Your a good man, James. I have no idea you could com up with... we have more than 100 starfighters in these. And we have 10 Normandy militaries docked with the Spirit Perfect. We have an able Army and Navy now. James, we have hard work ahead of us. I dont think that our allies will remain with us. All I can hope is that they believe what I have to say. I wouldn't worry too much about it. I think the Mandalorians will be upset if they hear about this. Play it cool and dont lie. You think all things in this galaxy are pretty? Not even close. Alright, James, lets get things situated here. Our hanger is nearing completion. By tomorrow, we can store all fighters in there. Our barracks are finished, with space for more than a thousand men, and our command center is all ready. In a week, all defensive parameters will be set, and Naboo will be fully protected, and the same goes for us.
Both Zero and Cutter stopped talking to watch over the unloading of equipment. Zero still had his massive smile on.
Sir Lord Ash
I dont wanna type a message here...
Posts: 1,887
Post by Sir Lord Ash on May 23, 2010 14:18:29 GMT -5
Naboo was quite serene normally, even when smoke could be seen on the horizon. Zero stood on a large hill, back turned to the base, and facing Theed. There was something funny going on there.
Zero could also sense there was something funny going on there, even it was just bairly. He turned around and ran down the hill, savoring the cool, misty wind on his face. He wore his Drop armor, because he planned on dropping from orbit, but now it seemed as if plans were crushed as he walked to the command center.
He was inside and underground in less than a minute, but no one seemed intimidated by his armor, which added to his height by a couple of inches, even without his helmet. They were all use to it. Cutter was in space, so Commander May Sweets was in charge. Her soft features and slender body hid her brash and outgoing additude. She was eye-candy to anyone, at least until she spoted them goggling her, then they met her wassior side.
Keep it in your pants, Rumo. I dont even wanna here it coming from you. I don't even know how you got a hold of my name, May. Could it be the years spent running back to knon space? Probably. Anything new for us, and Imperials? Well, Cutter was working on getting us some more ground vehicles, but thats been slashed. Dare I ask? I was hoping you would. Imps killed the queen and some commander took her position. There's a new martial law, and ships are being forced to be grounded or leave, less they be shot down. Imperial troops are getting Theed under their control right now. nothing too serious. Yea, sounds simple. Alright, Cutter should be on the Spirit. It and Beowulf will attck the Imperial capital ships. Doesn't seem like their too many of them. Seven or eight smaller ones. No larger ones. John and I will tackle Theed. You can co-ordinate our fly-guys between space and ground combats. Always keeping me grounded. Can I at least play recall Eureka to take over here? Nope. Shes long gone now. Your on your own. Sorry May. Our Hawks, as well as Eagle and Jagged Squadrons are ground based. Everything else is space. Have our troops load up. We leave in five minutes. Yes, your royal assness.
Zero grinned and lef the command center. May's voice sounded over the loudspeakers, and action was away. Though Zero was a ways from the underground hanger, He could head the starting engines from the hundreds of aircrafts there. A natural, large dip in the ground made this hidden and protected hanger possible.
Withing minutes, Airfrafts began exiting the 12 hanger doors on repulsarlifts before either fling into space of hovering out of the way. The 20 LAAT's and 20 Albatross's were in an open field, along with the 10 Normandy Military models. Zero's Normandy-class wouldn't be used. He would be on the ground this fight, but between all these ground and space crafts, the rest of the Imperials will be pushed off the planet.
Sir Lord Ash
I dont wanna type a message here...
Posts: 1,887
Post by Sir Lord Ash on May 25, 2010 2:08:17 GMT -5
Zero, big change of plans. Get back to the command center. [/color] Zero bairly had time to think before he turned around, heading back to the command center. He had his helmet now, and was about to have everyone leave to head to Theed when May contacted Zero. Something must have truly been bad by how May sounded. She normally didn't have that worried and urgent tone in her voice. It was that tone that made Zero head back without question. A mere minute later, Zero rushed into the command center, ripping off his helmet as he stopped right next to May, who was in front of the communication screen, which was off. Whats the matter? You got a call from an old friend: Zora Octavarium. It was somewhat choppy, but Im sure you can get the drift of whats going on.May pressed a button on the consol in front of her, and the screen lit up. Distortion from the relays gave the video distortion, but it was clear enough for Zero, and the audio was working just fine. It was the kind of video one would get from a personal holo-cam, but this was no family video day. Blaster shots could be heard, and red and blue bolts screemed as they traveled against each other. Moments later, Zora came into view, the graying man holding a blaster rifle like a well trained soldier. He fired off a few blue shots before crouching behind a ruined wall, the camera man doing the same. Zero, you better damn well get this message. Imperials came here demanding everything we had. We didn't give them a damn thing, and they brought in the big guns to take everything by force. We got out three transports with our supplies before the rest of our ships were grounded and...[/color] Zora was interupted by red blaster bolds flying over his head. He rose and popped off some shots of his own. A screem fallowed shortly after then. Zora crouched again and resumes talking. As I was saying, our forces are grounded. The Cerberus shipyards are destroyed, but we got all data from them, thankfully. Get your and your street-punk gang of soldiers over here and give us a hand, even if your enjoying a relaxing vacation on Naboo or something. An bring...[/color] The whine of a blaster bold was extremly loud and cut off what Zora said. The camera flew up into the air, flipping end over end and landed with a bang, showing Zora firing on approaching Imperials and running towards the camera, looking for more cover. The Camera man's head had a black hole in it, shot by the blaster bold that cut off what Zora last said. The last thing the camera saw was a boot crushing it. Everything cut out after that. May, how soon until we can have this plane abandoned and everyone heading to Bestine IV? Depends: You want memory whiped, new gear loaded up, or the entire base packed up? One is a couple of hours, the other is a couple of days. Lets go with the first one. Imperials took over Naboo again, and more forces should be inbound. Ill take Normandy with four others of the same class, along with some troops and three CAS's. 20 Hawk airspeeders, Eagle, Hawk, and Rapier Squadrons, as well as all forces carried by Beowulf. Once the Spirit is loaded, it comes as well. Its firepower may be needed. Send out those orders. You owe me a date for this, soldier-boy. I'll buy you the most expensive resturant on Coruscant if you can get to Bestine IV less than three hours after I do. Three hours? I'll see you in two and a half.With a two fingered salute, Zero rushed out to his yacht. New plans were announced, and certain fighters launched for space. The line of Norandy's were loaded with three CAS's, not including Zero's Liger, which was on Normandy, as well as a hundred soldiers, between them, and blew for space. Normandy fallowed, and landed on one of Beowulf's hanger. From there, he sprinted for the CIC.
Hawk's, Eagles, Normandy's, your our escort force. Everyone else better be docked or get on your way to Bestine IV. We are out of here.
Without waiting for clearence, Beowulf launched its way into hyperspace. Nothing was stopping that ship. Spirit of Fire was in the atmosphere, all titan dropships heading for the ground. Already, every single person at the base was taking everything down. Spirit, once it neared the base itself, would use her massive tractor beams to move everything easily, then it would also head for Bestine IV.[/center]
Post by Zilfer on May 25, 2010 13:58:09 GMT -5
OOC Ash, I got a question for you, How does Zero know that the Mandalorians would be mad at him? Does he know about the tape? Because I don't remember anything at all meeting, contacting, or telling Zero that the video tape was made. If not I suggest you cut the habbit of using outside of RP knowledge in your posts as if your character supernaturally knows it by default. [/end public service announcement.]
Sir Lord Ash
I dont wanna type a message here...
Posts: 1,887
Post by Sir Lord Ash on Dec 7, 2010 20:11:26 GMT -5
I never thought that we would be back here.
Yea, same here. So why come back if you abandoned the place?
We need a base of operations, and this is the place where we once held a base, and it would be faster if we set back up here again.
Riight. Well, im heading to check out what misdeeds happened in this building over here.
Though most of the site was cleared out, some permanent building were around, but were in need of repair, which wouldn't be too hard. In a small amount of time, if Naboo proved useful, the Black Knights could be set up here quickly. It was just Shina and Shion here, brought by Knights Steed, the Black Knights main ship for transportation of important personnel, save for the Normandy itself.
Shina went into what was once the command room. This building was also in a mild state of disrepair, but was still better than she thought it was originally. Naboo may be the best place for the Knights after all.
Sir Lord Ash
I dont wanna type a message here...
Posts: 1,887
Post by Sir Lord Ash on Dec 14, 2010 19:53:39 GMT -5
A Black Normandy stealth yacht was sucked back into normal space just outside of Naboo, and had its stealth systems up almost instantly. The black color closely resembled that of Normandy but this ship was far from it.
Aku fallowed the force trail right to where a second Normandy sat on the ground, near some old building complexes. It landed next to it, and extended its loading ramp, but no one left. Aku waited just out of view at the top of the ramp.
Shina heard the sounds of a Normandy yacht, and saw the black color, and instantly thought Gray was here. She rushed outside and as soon as the ramp was down, ran on board. She was excited to see him, and wasn't thinking, which was how she fell into his trap. Sithspawn grabbed her, and hefted the woman up. Shina screamed as the massive monster turned so she could see Aku.
My granddaughter. You are now bait so I can get gray. Thank you for leaving your ship unlocked for me. I needed to make a call anyway. Sithspawn, put her in your old cage. Silence her, but don't kill her.
Before Shina could say anything, Sithspawn squeezed. There was the sound of breaking bones, and Shina fell silent, unconscious. Aku walked down the ramp, where Shion nearly collided with him. Without a second thought, he sent her flying into a tree with a burst of force energy, and walked calmly onto the white Normandy nearby. Once inside, he activated the comm relay, and sent a holographic message to Gray, where he was hiding on Ilum.
Once finished, he went back to his ship, and was in hyperspace again in minutes. The mission went easier than he thought it would.
Sir Lord Ash
I dont wanna type a message here...
Posts: 1,887
Post by Sir Lord Ash on Jan 2, 2011 2:22:38 GMT -5
Shion slowly opened her eyes to a odd humming noise. Nothing was in focus, so she closed them again, regaining her memories of what happened. The humming eventually got louder and she opened her eyes again. Slowly, things began to focus, first up close then further away. Her head pounded, but the humming, finally, struck something in her memory.
She sat up, looking around. She had to turn all the way around to see what was going on: the Black Knights were here, and they were setting up base quickly. She stood on shaky legs and began walking forward, almost tripping on the way. She did trip once she was close to the base, but one of the Knights caught her.
You alright, Captain?
Yea, just hurt. That Sith character who was with us for a small while really threw me... Wait, where's Shina?
She's deceased, as far as we know, and Gray killed that Sith. As of right now, he is no longer the leader of the Black Knights, as he handed that off to Commander Jay Roras.
What?! Take me to him.
Using the Knight to support her, they made their way to a landing base, where Jay stood, as always, in his Black Knight armor, but it held a splash of crimson on the arms that signified he was the leader now.
Jay, tell me... Is everything true?
Yea... Shina's dead, as is that Sith Aku... Gray killed him himself then handed the Knights over to me. I don't know what he is doing right now... hopefully he will stay in touch with us. Him leaving us... it hit hard. He is one of the last original members of the Black Knights... ones dead, as he gave his life on Bestine, and the other is retired somewhere... I think only Gray knows. You should get some rest while we finish setting up here.
Lets go, Captain. I will take you to the Steed where you can rest. [/b] Shion looked back at Jay one last time, then allowed herself to be taken away to the still parked Normandy yacht, and to her cabin. She was out as soon as she hit the bed. -------------------------------------- Why did this happen now.War was on the horizon, and with Shina dead and Gray gone, the Knights were out tenfold worth of moral, but they could still assemble a base quickly. The Shield generator was being set in place by a dozen LAAT's and the Garrison base was nearly finished, exterior-wise. The Ion cannon and turbolaser that would protect the planet and base were having their base's set in place, which was nearly finished when they were forced to pack up and leave. In fact, sense they were here before, things were going much easier. They would be finished setting up in a fraction of the time it would normally take. That was good. Speed was essential. Up in Space, three massive Capital Ships and a Golan III Space station sat, the main line of defense for the planet currently. Almost nothing could get past that amount of firepower.[/center]