Post by walkerbohii on Aug 1, 2013 19:02:52 GMT -5
Name: Walker Bohii Class: Guardian Age: 24 Sex: Male Height/Weight: 5"11" Species: Corellian Title: Appearance: Easily forgotten. Dark Hair and blue eyes, usually.
Base Stats
Strength: 10 Speed: 8 Stamina: 7
Force Stats
Control: 0 Sense: 10 Alter: 0
Combat Stats
Lightsaber: 15 Unarmed: Melee: Range:
Personal Items: Two dual phase lightsabers. Both black. Able to form a double sided lightsaber and split apart. Starship:Aurek-class tactical strikefighter
Force Powers: Telekinesis Force Sense Force Stun Force Sight Farsight
Skills: Shii-Cho Two-Handed Specialist Jar'Kai Double-bladed Lightsaber Combat
Bio: "Sometimes the universe isn't a pretty place. So they send me. I've started to think of myself as a Shadow Jedi."
Walker Bohii[Excerpt from Private Journals]
}}Level{2} Experience{-210} Level-II{2} Experience-II{-218} Level-III{1} Experience-III{-344} Level-IV{1} Experience-IV{-348}
Vigilance is my Sword
Posts: 223
Post by Jace on Aug 2, 2013 21:13:17 GMT -5
Since I'm the first one here let me start out by saying welcome to the board, and second I might not be an admin but you still have to flesh out your characters bio more, just basic stuff like where he was born, how he was trained, when and where did he become so good at a lightsaber or sensing others, just but a bit of detail in.
Again welcome aboard and have fun here
Post by MikDaTv on Aug 3, 2013 17:51:09 GMT -5
Oh how I loath black lightsabers. But I'll let the more qualified admins address that how they see fit,
What jace said is correct. Your bio and description need to be fleshed out more so that we can at least understand who this person is, not just his stats.
Furthermore, I believe you have selected too many force powers and skills for a level 1
}}Level{2} Experience{-210} Level-II{2} Experience-II{-218} Level-III{1} Experience-III{-344} Level-IV{1} Experience-IV{-348}
Vigilance is my Sword
Posts: 223
Post by Jace on Aug 3, 2013 18:44:31 GMT -5
whats with all the hate with black lightsabers
Post by Zilfer on Aug 3, 2013 18:50:06 GMT -5
Something about it not being possible... (despite a lot of other things not being possible in star wars)
Post by MikDaTv on Aug 3, 2013 19:57:15 GMT -5
whats with all the hate with black lightsabers Intellectually? Lightsabers emit light. They are a light source. Blackness, is the absence of light. You can't have something emit an absence. Emotionally? I find them cliche, melodramatic and silly.
Post by Zilfer on Aug 5, 2013 9:27:39 GMT -5
whats with all the hate with black lightsabers Intellectually? Lightsabers emit light. They are a light source. Blackness, is the absence of light. You can't have something emit an absence. Emotionally? I find them cliche, melodramatic and silly. Kind of Cliche like using a Star wars character last name for your main character(Halcyon) or as cliche as being the clone of an important person during the Mandalorian wars? Or that fact that we don't know how lightsaber's work or that there is sound in star wars movies in space and that Star ships can "Bank" aerial manuvers with no gravity in space? Come on mik, there's no need to mention that you personally don't like black lightsabers when reviewing a profile. It's a little off putting. Be more like a Jedi and accepting. xD I'm still waiting to see some improvement on the bio however.
The Viper
Posts: 1,088
Post by Roku on Aug 6, 2013 10:54:24 GMT -5
Black lightsabers should have a different name, I have to agree with Mik. But I see no reason why energy can't be black or colorless.
Post by Zilfer on Aug 8, 2013 14:07:40 GMT -5
I don't know why they should have a different name. If i have a white shoe and a black shoe they still serve the same function. On this site our cannon is that they come from Terresta Crystals and are very rare.
In the Clone wars the Mandalorian artifact is called the "Darksaber". So you could call them that if you wanted.