Post by MikDaTv on Jan 28, 2014 13:17:15 GMT -5
Biology and appearance:
A male Skirran
A female Skirran
The Skirran are a grey skinned, bipedal, humanoid race of beings that hail from the Shryke Abyssal region on the outer edge of the distant Omerta galaxy. Each Skirran stands roughly 2.2 meters in height (~7 feet) with only minor fluctuations across the whole of the species, although it is common for females to be slightly shorter than males. Other factors, such as skin tone, body mass, eye color and even their telepathic abilities are determined entirely by gender.
Males are generally more stout and muscular in appearance compared to the females, with a slightly darker pigmentation of grey to their skin. Their eyes will generally range in color from green, to blue, to red and even the exceptionally rare yellow. Females, on the other hand, are only born with silver colored eyes. Whether or not eye color is indicative of a higher affinity with telepathic abilities, or that this is simply the result of a biological mutation, has yet to be proven. The telepathic abilities of any given male Skirran, while more prominent across the gender than females, are notably less powerful when compared to some of the most powerful mystics through out their entire recorded history. There have been many recorded instances of powerful male telepaths in Skirran history, usually among those who held prominent positions in the halls of government or within religious temples, but the majority of powerful mystics have come from the ranks of the females, as was the case with Supreme Judicator Selkhet San 'Shyuum. Her particularly prestigious and long lived career as a Judicator for the Council of Harmony lasted for two hundred years and saw her as one of the most prominent figures in Skirran politics.
However, the trade off for an increased sensitivity to telepathic abilities comes at a shorter lifespan. Though a female Skirran may attain more power than a male in her lifetime, she will only live half again as long as the male. It is for this reason that there have been more recorded instances of powerful male Skirran in control of governments or religious sites. However, in a society of creatures that can commonly live for four centuries or more, this may appear to many outside species with decidedly shorter lifespans to be only a minimal hindrance.
Beyond access to telepathic abilities, Skirran biology is unique when compared to other human-like species. Though they lack a nose or any visible signs of ears, the Skirran have exceptionally sensitive olfactory senses, as well as keen night vision and hearing. Their notable lack of a mouth may lead one to question how the Skirran feed themselves. The answer to this is rather simple and can be closely likened to a cycle similar to that of plant life. Unlike other species that must draw sustenance from some form of nourishment and cannot typically thrive in environments toxic to life forms that rely on oxygen to survive, the Skirran sustain themselves through a process similar to photosynthesis. Having evolved on a world with an atmosphere that was more than 60% carbon dioxide, the Skirran “feed” themselves by absorbing carbon dioxide and water through their skin by way of an osmotic process. Once in their system, they then use solar energy to convert the otherwise harmful CO2 into simple sugars for sustenance. However, tens of thousands of years worth of Skirran evolution, that have relied on high concentrations of CO2 to survive, have allowed their natural biology to become extremely efficient when converting carbon dioxide to energy as they will only expel but a tiny fraction of waste in the form of oxygen through respiratory processes. The remainder of their body's biological waste products are expelled by means similar to other species.
Further biological traits include vocal chords similar to those found in many other species that allow them to communicate by way of their native spoken language, as has been done for centuries among the Skirran. The later discovery of their telepathic abilities did lead a new form of communication among individuals of the species, but it is largely reserved for for private conversations or more sensitive subjects, such as expressing intimacy, among other Skirran.
Perhaps the most striking feature of Skirran biology is their evolution of a redundant nervous system. Each Skirran is born with two nervous systems, one primary and one superfluous that has almost 70% of its total processes devoted to maintaining the vital functions of the brain, heart, kidneys and other major organs. Meanwhile, the primary nervous system registers all other external forms of stimulation and sensation, from sight, to touch, to sound and even taste. This trait has allowed the Skirran to become highly sensitive to even the most minute of changes in their environment, leading to what many may consider “super human” abilities augmented by “lightning quick” reflexes. The subject of a redundant nervous system has long been the object of much research and study among Skirran biologists and evolutionary theorists who have attempted to describe a plausible reason for both their species telepathic affinity, and the notably shorter lifespan of the female gender.
So far, they have failed to draw any conclusive results on the subject of telepathy, but theories abound that the secondary nervous system may be responsible for the shorter life of females. It has been posited that since females tend to have a much faster metabolism compared to males, a higher demand is placed on the body in order to maintain the vital systems. As such, the redundant nervous system must work at nearly 100% of its total capacity in order to maintain pace with the quicker metabolic rates of the female biology. In this way, Skirran researchers believe that their bodies simply “burn out” after just so long. This theory has been dubbed “Corrosion Syndrome” and is currently the most widely accepted view on the subject with no currently known treatment to rectify the condition. It is currently unknown whether or not metabolism plays a role in the power of an individual's telepathic abilities.
Society and culture:
The Skirran consider most other species to be inferior to them, both culturally and in combat ability. Although the Skirran are naturally very intelligent, their culture's long standing dependence on a military-industrial scheme, coupled with a strong attachment to religious/spiritual beliefs and an overarching code of honor, has led to a more warrior-like society that places an emphasis on might over science. In some regards, the eventual advent of the “Ascendancy Covenant” made this position easier to follow, allowing the military branch of the Skirran to concentrate even more mono-manically on military endeavors, while the Council assumed direct jurisdiction over all matters concerning the advancements of science and religion. Despite this, their adeptness at integrating, using and creating technology is evident, as the very foundation for their survival as a species during their earliest years relied on attaining an advanced understanding technology. Such lessons inevitably translated into a society that has matured due entirely to a prolific understanding of technology.
In addition to being excellent craftsmen of technology, the Skirran have demonstrated their superiority in military doctrines. Raised from childhood to be warriors, other societal roles are treated as secondary endeavors or even hobbies, the only obvious exceptions to which are attaining prominent status in the halls of government, or serving in a temple as a religious/spiritual practitioner or adviser. Even the most humble Skirran citizen is skilled in most weapons and hand-to-hand combat. Perhaps the most interesting example of this martial focus in society is the fact that only Councilors, High Priests and Aristocrats are allowed to wield swords, and that sword-wielders are no longer considered eligible for marriage upon attaining such recognition. A “swordsman” may come from the ranks of either gender, however, they may breed with any member of the species they chose, married or otherwise, to ensure successful transmission of "swordsman" genes. Promotion in the Skirran military is done so by merit; a soldier must succeed to advance among the ranks, and success is often measured in kills. For example, in order for a Skirran to attain the coveted position of a “Vashta Nerata”, translated to mean “Shadow Warrior”, an individual must have slaughtered thousands of individuals to reach that status.
In some ways, the Skirran can be likened to Humans. They communicate, are loyal to their superiors and comrades, become protective of their troops and become angry and vengeful if other Skirran are killed. They fear very little, taking great pride in an ancient, honor-laden code. Even when mortally wounded, they may react with pain and fury, but they will stand and fight tenaciously until the very end. Skirran honor also dictates that they always be the first ones into a battle, and to never allow themselves to be captured alive. The more honorable individuals among the Skirran, if captured, will typically commit suicide while in prison to retain some measure of honor. Oftentimes when they are freed, those who have not taken their own lives are executed anyway, as was the case with one of Judicator Rás San 'Shyuum's ancestors.
Respect and Honor:
The Skirran, despite what some may consider an ego-centric view of themselves, do display respect and admiration for honorable fighters, whether they are allies or not. They respect and revere veterans and often follow their lead. Their history is rife with victorious combatants welcoming the defeated enemies' remaining forces into their own arm, provided of course that they fought with honor. During the Akkeri Conflict, only the most tenacious of the Huragok and Kig-Yar who survived the conflict were admitted for the first time into previously all Skirran forces, much to the chagrin of the Council of Retribution. Such decisions were later overturned in a special trial, however, and the Huragok and Kig-Yar soldiers were honorably discharged from the Skirran military and allowed to return to their species on the far rim of the galaxy.
Despite their martial nature, the Skirran have superstitious reservations with regards to the spilling of one's own blood. This is an extension of the belief that the blood of a warrior is their essence (or honor); thus, to spill one's blood is to lose one's honor. As a result, doctors in Skirran culture are looked down upon by some, notably those within the ranks of the military, because they make their living by causing another Skirran to “bleed without honor”. This means that the only presumably honorable way for a Skirran to be injured or bleed out is from combat with the enemy. This belief also makes visiting a doctor very shameful for some Skirran. Yet another commonly held belief among the Skirran with regards to this superstition is that a weapon is only to be drawn if it is to be used, because “a drawn weapon demands blood".
Family history and lineage are greatly valued, with each family having their own unique “War Poem” detailing the deeds and actions of its members during war times. Though it is mostly common for Skirran males to be enlisted in the military and sent into battle as warriors and soldiers, female Skirran have been seen to have served in the military, some even going so far as to attain prestigious ranks such as that of the Vashta Nerata. The warriors form very close knitted relationships, remaining intensely loyal to them and referring to their comrades as “Osoona”, a gender neutral term in their language that can be translated to mean “brother in arms” or “sister in arms”. This loyalty is also shown in the custom of grieving after the death of a fallen comrade by way of a ritual which includes prayer for the dead warrior. In some instances, mostly among the Aristocratic elements of their society, Skirran children are raised in "common houses" to ensure that they all start on an equal footing and progress in rank by merit of their abilities. Members of some Aristocratic Skirran families rarely know their true fathers, and are usually raised by a maternal uncle instead. This may be a method of preventing status from being inherited in order to force children to make their own way in the world so they actively work for and earn advancement. Though, as some children's fathers were Swordsmen who were granted the right to reproduce with any number of Skirran they desire, the use of a maternal uncle as a father-like figure may have also been to allow children to be raised equally. The Skirran also believe that copulation without regard for the bloodline is uncultured.
The Skirran take great value and pride in their names, and are considered a privilege and an honor for those who have proven worthy. Skirran names are constructed from a series of parts, with a particular emphasis on the last part to denote family lineage or social status.
The first name is a given name that is attained at birth, which persists through out the remainder of their naturally born life. The second part of their name, “San” remains the same across the entire species and is a preposition in their language that means “of” or "from". This practice is a hold over from the oldest days of their society where the clan name, originating from the clan patriarch, was typically adopted as the last name. However, as their society and culture developed to see the eventual dissolution of smaller tribes into a singular government, so too did the practice of naming children. With no tribes from which to draw a last name any longer, children often assumed the last name of one of their parents. In some instances, last names can be hyphenated or truncated combinations of both parent's last names.
However, should a Skirran manage to rise to prominence in either their government or religion, they must drop their family given last name and adopt the last name of “'Shyuum”. This now indicates their status as a wise or learned member of Skirran society as 'Shyuum is translated to mean “Wisdom” or “Divinity” in their native dialect.
Religious beliefs:
The Arkh Verata (Supreme Warrior)
Although Skirran society has advanced over time to include more industrial or technology driven aesthetics, their core spiritual beliefs have remained largely unaltered for millennium.
Adopting a polytheistic approach, the Skirrans saw the actions of the gods behind all the elements and forces of nature. However, they did not believe that the gods merely controlled these phenomena, but that each element of nature was a divine force in and of itself. The forces defined in this way included the god, Thail, who represented the vast expanse of their galaxy, and Pekht, the deification of air. The gods could also represent more abstract things, as the god, Skirr 'Heq represented what they considered to be the indomitable spirit of their people and was often portrayed as a non-corporeal phantasm known as the “Arkh Verata”, or “Supreme Warrior”, that was able to transcend and overcome almost any conceivable boundary or obstacle before finally becoming a deity himself. The Skirrans thus believed in a multitude of gods, which were involved in every aspect of nature and society.
Skirran myths about the gods were intended to explain the origins and behavior of these phenomena, and the hymns, prayers and offerings given to the gods were efforts to placate them and turn them to their advantage. This polytheistic system was very complex, as some deities were believed to exist in many different manifestations, and some had multiple mythological roles. Conversely, many natural forces, such as the sun, were associated with multiple deities.
The depictions of the gods in art were not meant as literal representations of how the gods might appear if they were visible, as the gods' true natures were believed to be mysterious and unknown. Instead, these depictions gave recognizable forms to the abstract deities by using symbolic imagery to indicate each god's role in nature or society. For example, the funerary god, Seshat was portrayed as a female Skirran draped in black robes trimmed in ceremonial scripture written in gold lettering. The black tunic was symbolic of the color of dead flesh and the golden writ indicative of the prayer that Skirrans saw as a necessary ritual to help the spirits of fallen brethren to reach the afterlife safely, invoking Seshat to guide and protect them. Unlike other gods that could be depicted in more than one form, however, Seshat, like Skirr 'Heq, has maintained one known form since the beginning of recorded history.
Many gods were associated with particular localities on Shadoon where their beliefs were most important, such as Nehpthys, the guardian of the gates to Teash, the Skirran interpretation of the afterlife, high atop Ka'amoti Peak, the highest naturally occurring point on Shadoon. However, these associations changed over time, and they did not necessarily mean that the god associated with a place had originated there. For instance, the god Eayn was the original patron of the city of Kreesh, capital city of Shadoon. Over the course of several centuries, however, he was displaced in that role by Suban, who had originated elsewhere, as he was considered the god of protection and strength, and was eventually deemed a more fitting deity to overlook such an important and sacred location on the Skirran homeworld. The sociological popularity and importance of individual gods fluctuated in a similar way.
In addition to the major gods, there were also other, less-powerful supernatural beings. These included a profusion of minor gods. They tended to be less universal than the major gods, and were often defined by specific behaviors or tied to particular locations, but the Skirrans did not draw a clear distinction between the two classes. Some minor gods were localized guardian deities, while others were servants of greater gods who performed specific actions on demand. Most of them were inhabitants of Teash, although many others were believed to be present in the world of the living. The spirits of deceased Skirrans, while distinct from the gods, were also believed to exist on the same plane and could affect the world of the living in similar ways. Deceased warriors, or soldiers who fell honorably in battle, were considered to be at least partially divine, and occasionally, distinguished individuals such as former Vastha Nerata, and later Judicator of the Council of Retribution, Rás San 'Shyuum also became deified.
The origins of the Skirran have remained largely unknown, even to the Skirran themselves, though some of their own scientists believe that their people were the result of a long forgotten colony of close biological relatives that had since been lost to time several millennium ago. Still others trend towards a more mystical understanding of their beginnings, espousing a more creationist theory. Whatever the belief system, the common ground between the two opposing ideas is that the Skirran people are believed to have been established on Shadoon for an extensive period of time. Records made available, either by word of mouth or through other intermediary forms of communication such as their written “Chronicles of Time”, suggested that they had been there since before the beginnings of a great ice age that gripped their world for more than 2,000 years.
Early Skirran society was tribal by nature, governed in large part by individual clan patriarchs who enforced a strict warrior culture and preached a strong attachment to the ideals of honor and trustworthiness. In this initial social structure, tribes were entirely independent entities of one another, operating autonomously with little care or regard for the impacts of their actions on rival clans. Territory disputes were common, leading to infighting and civil wars amid the specie's diverging sects. This rather unstable, and arguably primitive system would hold true and guide the Skirran people for several centuries to come before their eventual contact with a collection of sentient beings known as the Drinols.
The Drinols, translated from the Skirran language to mean “Soulless Creature” or simply “Soulless” in more modern dialects, were a conglomerate of semi-sentient, cybernetic beings that operated as a hive mind under an advanced A.I. programming. The ensuing conflict, later recorded as the “Era of Trials” by the Skirran, not only marked their first encounter with an extra terrestrial race, but laid the foundation for a later form of government that would eventually draw the Skirran people together. Conflict with the Drinols went poorly at first, with several tribes being wiped out entirely due to a lack of empathy concerning the troubles of rival clans. Some tribes ignored the Drinols threat, assuming they would grow tired and leave, while others saw the attacks as the physical manifestation of their God's divine vengeance for heretical practices. Regardless of these indifferences however, the Drinols continued their campaign across Shadoon, capturing or killing thousands of Skirran. It was not until the precipice of their species that the Skirran finally realized that unless drastic measures were taken to actively counter the Drinols, their species risked being wiped from the memory of time itself. Setting aside their differences, the Skirran banded together and presented a united front against the invaders. Their move was successful, and they eventually ousted the Drinols from Shadoon. In the wake of the conflict, the Skirran not only gained invaluable technology that would help their civilization to grow and flourish, but now understood the inherent need for their people to begin acting as a single, cohesive society rather than fragmented, nomadic tribes.
The exact origins of the Drinols have never been truly discovered by the Skirran, but scarce evidence gathered after their encounter with them revealed that they may have very well been the product of an experiment in artificial intelligence programming by another, more highly advanced civilization. The Skirran's best estimate suggests that the Drinols wiped out their creators after they managed to attain full awareness. Regardless of this factor though, the Skirran would take the valuable lessons they had learned through the conflict to evolve their species beyond their tribal nature and eventually their own world.
By the time contact was made with other modern galactic civilizations, some ten centuries after the invasion of the Drinols, the Skirran had put the derelict technology to use, extending their frontier across a sizable volume of space within the Shryke Abyssal, perhaps encompassing as many as several hundred star systems before the Skirran government combined the whole of their territory into a single conglomerate know as the Ascendancy Covenant.
The Ascendancy Covenant:
Symbol for the Ascendancy Covenant
Marking a major turning point in their society, the Ascendancy Covenant, sometimes simply referred to as the Covenant, is considered the true end to the primitive tribes and clans of old, and is the current governmental system of choice for the Skirran. Functioning as a theocratic oligarchy, with power over the whole of the species deferred to a select group of individuals, the Covenant served its purpose in spreading Skirran influence across their galaxy, while simultaneously uniting their people under a single leadership. It was also during this time that the Skirran began to chronicle the evolution of their species, keeping records in a vast written account known as the Chronicles of Time, organizing segments of their history into Eras that are measured by points denoted as either Before the Covenant (BC) or After the Covenant (AC) and led by Councils assuming names that reflect the current state of Skirran society. To date, the sum total of Skirran history has been recorded thusly (older time periods at the top ascending to current time at the bottom):
Era of Trials (the Council of Reconciliation established c. 1,000 AC) – 300,000 BC – 100,000 AC
Era of Enlightenment (led by the Council of Redemption) – 95,000 AC – 70,000 AC
Era of Coalescence (led by the Council of Harmony) – 60,000 AC – 59,000 AC
Era of Conflict (led by the Council of Retribution) – 58,100 AC – 58,000 AC
Era of Reclamation (led by the Council of Salvation) – 58,000 – 56,000 AC
Era of Discovery (led by the Council of Ascendancy) – 55,000 AC – 50,000 AC
Era of Transcendence (led by the Council of Humility) – 50,000 AC – Present
For much of the time following the rise of the Covenant to prominence, Skirran history was defined by a passive-aggressive program of exploration and conquest through out the unexplored regions of the Shryke Abyssal. This endeavor, led with with caution by the Council of Harmony, not only delivered the Skirran more in the way of territory and resources, but inevitably brought them into contact with several other sentient species, the most notable of which were the Huragok and Kig-Yar.
Being more aggressive and expansionist species than the Skirran, the Huragok and Kig-Yar formed an alliance against the Skirran Covenant, whom they considered to be invaders in their home territory. This pact would later become known as the Akkeri Consortium. What followed was a century long war of attrition between the three factions that eventually saw the Skirran victorious, routing the Huragok and Kig-Yar beneath the solid leadership of the Council of Retribution, which responded harshly to the Consortium's transgressions by forcing both species back to the far rim of the Omerta galaxy. By the end of the war, conquest had opened up a substantial portion of the Abyssal regions for later colonization and exploration by the Skirran.
Extragalactic exploration:
When the Skirran finally advanced beyond the boarders of their known galaxy and began expanding their influence to include extragalactic venues, how long their voyage took, or if they even knew what their eventual destination would be, was unknown. One account, recorded aboard an unidentified probe discovered by the Gree civilization near the Outer Rim in roughly 55,000 years BBY, stated their journey as taking at least several millennia. However, by roughly 50,000 years BBY a Skirran ship had finally managed to reach the far rim of the galaxy on the heels of the probe, making contact with the Gree at the height of their civilization after having surveyed a multitude of other primitive and uninhabited worlds in the Unknown Regions.
Collaboration with the Gree:
Though the Gree and the Skirran had little in common as far as theological beliefs, they both found common ground in their species' knack for technology, managing to forge a working relationship over the next century as they maintained continual contact with one another. The two species would share small bits of information in exchange for technology, the most important of which was arguably the Gree's Hypergate technology that would allow for near instantaneous travel between any two gates. In exchange for knowledge of their Hypergate technology, the Skirran surrendered a vast portion of their research on artificial intelligence programming.
Even though the Gree were adamantly opposed to droids or any form of artificial intelligence, they were deeply intrigued by the prospect of a self sustaining civilization of cybernetic beings, using the Skirran research to build a number of theoretical models to forecast the potential for such events within their own galaxy. The Skirran, meanwhile, utilized the Hypergate technology that was graciously afforded to them by the Gree to construct one such device on their own world of Shadoon in 45,000 years BBY (having to shuttle the schematics back to their world by traditional means), thus eliminating the need for them to commit valuable ships and supplies from their own people to integrate into this new world.
Following the aggressive actions of the Rakata's Infinite Empire, however, the Gree were forced back into their boarders, despite aid from the Skirran. From there, the Gree civilization slowly declined, while Skirran influence began a gradual rise in the Unknown Regions of space, using Gree technology to bolster their presence, expanding it to at least one other known world, Gotha. For the remainder of time up until roughly 4,000 years BBY, the Skirran would remain largely obscure and hidden, living in secret while simultaneously working to help the Gree re-establish their one honorable kingdom.
An example of a Skirran battleship
Skirran technology is based largely on mimicry and reverse engineering of the technology left over from when they drove the Drinols from their homeworld. Their weaponry is mostly plasma or energy based and most of their vehicles are capable of hovering by way of repulsorlift or anti-gravity technology. Most of the Skirran's hand-held weapons use magnetic coils to direct the usually unstable plasma. This is not to say, however, that the Skirran are ignorant of the true power of their technology.
In addition to physically altering the appearance of captured Drinols technology to be more aesthetically in line with Skirran design, there have been several examples of powerful weapons having been created by refining adopted Drinols technology. One such weapon is what can only be termed as a "magnetohydrodynamic" projector. The weapon's main source of "ammunition" is a molten alloy of tungsten, platinum and iron suspended within a gravitational field of staggering power, and is capable of projecting the mixture at a fraction the speed of light through tight magnetic coils embedded in the weapon's barrel. Several attempts were made to press such a weapon into service aboard Skirran battleships, but the power draw required to maintain the weapon was immense. Coupled with a tremendous heat output that was capable of destroying most ships after just a few seconds of contact meant that this option was eventually abandoned for use in naval projects. Currently, the only existing examples of these weapons exist solely as planetary defense weapons on key colonies within Skirran space.
An example of a Rift Gate orbiting a planet in the Skryke Abyssal
Other technological advancements made by the Skirran include the use of borrowed Gree technology to construct massive orbital "Rift Gates". Working on much the same principle as the planetary Hypergates, the Rift Gates are space oriented stations that are capable of transporting a ship of almost any size instantaneously between points. The Skirran have built one such known station in orbit over Gree, and had used it for centuries to shuttle ships, men, and supplies between their galaxy and the Gree colonies spread across the Outer Rim. However, no Skirran ship has passed through this gate originating from their world for at least 2,000 years. This is due to the fact that the Skirran have adopted local means for galactic transportation.
Whether this is because they are conservative with regards to using their own technology in the presence of foreign species, or because they are simply trying to glean extra knowledge from local technology is currently unknown. Though the latter is certainly more likely as several craft since the Skirran's arrival have traveled through the Rift Gate above Gree, never to return.
Force sensitivity:
The Skirran, by their nature, are not attuned to the power of the Force. However, their telepathic abilities do allow for them to wield Force-like capabilities in the form of mind control. All Skirran are capable of accessing inherent telepathic powers that allow them to tap into the neural consciousness of other beings, especially other Skirran. From there, they can accomplish a multitude of tasks ranging from simple discussions to the power of persuasion and even mind control. However, it is worth nothing that the use of inter species mind control is extremely difficult, if not impossible.
Their will is incredibly strong and attaining control over the mind of a Skirran can prove to be quite taxing if the Skirran does not wish to open their mind up to an opposing force. Thus far it has not been observed that the Skirran are capable of using their telepathy to manipulate the world around them in much the same way a Jedi or Sith can. It exists, almost exclusively, as a form of inter species communication and interaction.
Biology and appearance:
A male Skirran
A female Skirran
The Skirran are a grey skinned, bipedal, humanoid race of beings that hail from the Shryke Abyssal region on the outer edge of the distant Omerta galaxy. Each Skirran stands roughly 2.2 meters in height (~7 feet) with only minor fluctuations across the whole of the species, although it is common for females to be slightly shorter than males. Other factors, such as skin tone, body mass, eye color and even their telepathic abilities are determined entirely by gender.
Males are generally more stout and muscular in appearance compared to the females, with a slightly darker pigmentation of grey to their skin. Their eyes will generally range in color from green, to blue, to red and even the exceptionally rare yellow. Females, on the other hand, are only born with silver colored eyes. Whether or not eye color is indicative of a higher affinity with telepathic abilities, or that this is simply the result of a biological mutation, has yet to be proven. The telepathic abilities of any given male Skirran, while more prominent across the gender than females, are notably less powerful when compared to some of the most powerful mystics through out their entire recorded history. There have been many recorded instances of powerful male telepaths in Skirran history, usually among those who held prominent positions in the halls of government or within religious temples, but the majority of powerful mystics have come from the ranks of the females, as was the case with Supreme Judicator Selkhet San 'Shyuum. Her particularly prestigious and long lived career as a Judicator for the Council of Harmony lasted for two hundred years and saw her as one of the most prominent figures in Skirran politics.
However, the trade off for an increased sensitivity to telepathic abilities comes at a shorter lifespan. Though a female Skirran may attain more power than a male in her lifetime, she will only live half again as long as the male. It is for this reason that there have been more recorded instances of powerful male Skirran in control of governments or religious sites. However, in a society of creatures that can commonly live for four centuries or more, this may appear to many outside species with decidedly shorter lifespans to be only a minimal hindrance.
Beyond access to telepathic abilities, Skirran biology is unique when compared to other human-like species. Though they lack a nose or any visible signs of ears, the Skirran have exceptionally sensitive olfactory senses, as well as keen night vision and hearing. Their notable lack of a mouth may lead one to question how the Skirran feed themselves. The answer to this is rather simple and can be closely likened to a cycle similar to that of plant life. Unlike other species that must draw sustenance from some form of nourishment and cannot typically thrive in environments toxic to life forms that rely on oxygen to survive, the Skirran sustain themselves through a process similar to photosynthesis. Having evolved on a world with an atmosphere that was more than 60% carbon dioxide, the Skirran “feed” themselves by absorbing carbon dioxide and water through their skin by way of an osmotic process. Once in their system, they then use solar energy to convert the otherwise harmful CO2 into simple sugars for sustenance. However, tens of thousands of years worth of Skirran evolution, that have relied on high concentrations of CO2 to survive, have allowed their natural biology to become extremely efficient when converting carbon dioxide to energy as they will only expel but a tiny fraction of waste in the form of oxygen through respiratory processes. The remainder of their body's biological waste products are expelled by means similar to other species.
Further biological traits include vocal chords similar to those found in many other species that allow them to communicate by way of their native spoken language, as has been done for centuries among the Skirran. The later discovery of their telepathic abilities did lead a new form of communication among individuals of the species, but it is largely reserved for for private conversations or more sensitive subjects, such as expressing intimacy, among other Skirran.
Perhaps the most striking feature of Skirran biology is their evolution of a redundant nervous system. Each Skirran is born with two nervous systems, one primary and one superfluous that has almost 70% of its total processes devoted to maintaining the vital functions of the brain, heart, kidneys and other major organs. Meanwhile, the primary nervous system registers all other external forms of stimulation and sensation, from sight, to touch, to sound and even taste. This trait has allowed the Skirran to become highly sensitive to even the most minute of changes in their environment, leading to what many may consider “super human” abilities augmented by “lightning quick” reflexes. The subject of a redundant nervous system has long been the object of much research and study among Skirran biologists and evolutionary theorists who have attempted to describe a plausible reason for both their species telepathic affinity, and the notably shorter lifespan of the female gender.
So far, they have failed to draw any conclusive results on the subject of telepathy, but theories abound that the secondary nervous system may be responsible for the shorter life of females. It has been posited that since females tend to have a much faster metabolism compared to males, a higher demand is placed on the body in order to maintain the vital systems. As such, the redundant nervous system must work at nearly 100% of its total capacity in order to maintain pace with the quicker metabolic rates of the female biology. In this way, Skirran researchers believe that their bodies simply “burn out” after just so long. This theory has been dubbed “Corrosion Syndrome” and is currently the most widely accepted view on the subject with no currently known treatment to rectify the condition. It is currently unknown whether or not metabolism plays a role in the power of an individual's telepathic abilities.
Society and culture:
The Skirran consider most other species to be inferior to them, both culturally and in combat ability. Although the Skirran are naturally very intelligent, their culture's long standing dependence on a military-industrial scheme, coupled with a strong attachment to religious/spiritual beliefs and an overarching code of honor, has led to a more warrior-like society that places an emphasis on might over science. In some regards, the eventual advent of the “Ascendancy Covenant” made this position easier to follow, allowing the military branch of the Skirran to concentrate even more mono-manically on military endeavors, while the Council assumed direct jurisdiction over all matters concerning the advancements of science and religion. Despite this, their adeptness at integrating, using and creating technology is evident, as the very foundation for their survival as a species during their earliest years relied on attaining an advanced understanding technology. Such lessons inevitably translated into a society that has matured due entirely to a prolific understanding of technology.
In addition to being excellent craftsmen of technology, the Skirran have demonstrated their superiority in military doctrines. Raised from childhood to be warriors, other societal roles are treated as secondary endeavors or even hobbies, the only obvious exceptions to which are attaining prominent status in the halls of government, or serving in a temple as a religious/spiritual practitioner or adviser. Even the most humble Skirran citizen is skilled in most weapons and hand-to-hand combat. Perhaps the most interesting example of this martial focus in society is the fact that only Councilors, High Priests and Aristocrats are allowed to wield swords, and that sword-wielders are no longer considered eligible for marriage upon attaining such recognition. A “swordsman” may come from the ranks of either gender, however, they may breed with any member of the species they chose, married or otherwise, to ensure successful transmission of "swordsman" genes. Promotion in the Skirran military is done so by merit; a soldier must succeed to advance among the ranks, and success is often measured in kills. For example, in order for a Skirran to attain the coveted position of a “Vashta Nerata”, translated to mean “Shadow Warrior”, an individual must have slaughtered thousands of individuals to reach that status.
In some ways, the Skirran can be likened to Humans. They communicate, are loyal to their superiors and comrades, become protective of their troops and become angry and vengeful if other Skirran are killed. They fear very little, taking great pride in an ancient, honor-laden code. Even when mortally wounded, they may react with pain and fury, but they will stand and fight tenaciously until the very end. Skirran honor also dictates that they always be the first ones into a battle, and to never allow themselves to be captured alive. The more honorable individuals among the Skirran, if captured, will typically commit suicide while in prison to retain some measure of honor. Oftentimes when they are freed, those who have not taken their own lives are executed anyway, as was the case with one of Judicator Rás San 'Shyuum's ancestors.
Respect and Honor:
The Skirran, despite what some may consider an ego-centric view of themselves, do display respect and admiration for honorable fighters, whether they are allies or not. They respect and revere veterans and often follow their lead. Their history is rife with victorious combatants welcoming the defeated enemies' remaining forces into their own arm, provided of course that they fought with honor. During the Akkeri Conflict, only the most tenacious of the Huragok and Kig-Yar who survived the conflict were admitted for the first time into previously all Skirran forces, much to the chagrin of the Council of Retribution. Such decisions were later overturned in a special trial, however, and the Huragok and Kig-Yar soldiers were honorably discharged from the Skirran military and allowed to return to their species on the far rim of the galaxy.
Despite their martial nature, the Skirran have superstitious reservations with regards to the spilling of one's own blood. This is an extension of the belief that the blood of a warrior is their essence (or honor); thus, to spill one's blood is to lose one's honor. As a result, doctors in Skirran culture are looked down upon by some, notably those within the ranks of the military, because they make their living by causing another Skirran to “bleed without honor”. This means that the only presumably honorable way for a Skirran to be injured or bleed out is from combat with the enemy. This belief also makes visiting a doctor very shameful for some Skirran. Yet another commonly held belief among the Skirran with regards to this superstition is that a weapon is only to be drawn if it is to be used, because “a drawn weapon demands blood".
Family history and lineage are greatly valued, with each family having their own unique “War Poem” detailing the deeds and actions of its members during war times. Though it is mostly common for Skirran males to be enlisted in the military and sent into battle as warriors and soldiers, female Skirran have been seen to have served in the military, some even going so far as to attain prestigious ranks such as that of the Vashta Nerata. The warriors form very close knitted relationships, remaining intensely loyal to them and referring to their comrades as “Osoona”, a gender neutral term in their language that can be translated to mean “brother in arms” or “sister in arms”. This loyalty is also shown in the custom of grieving after the death of a fallen comrade by way of a ritual which includes prayer for the dead warrior. In some instances, mostly among the Aristocratic elements of their society, Skirran children are raised in "common houses" to ensure that they all start on an equal footing and progress in rank by merit of their abilities. Members of some Aristocratic Skirran families rarely know their true fathers, and are usually raised by a maternal uncle instead. This may be a method of preventing status from being inherited in order to force children to make their own way in the world so they actively work for and earn advancement. Though, as some children's fathers were Swordsmen who were granted the right to reproduce with any number of Skirran they desire, the use of a maternal uncle as a father-like figure may have also been to allow children to be raised equally. The Skirran also believe that copulation without regard for the bloodline is uncultured.
The Skirran take great value and pride in their names, and are considered a privilege and an honor for those who have proven worthy. Skirran names are constructed from a series of parts, with a particular emphasis on the last part to denote family lineage or social status.
The first name is a given name that is attained at birth, which persists through out the remainder of their naturally born life. The second part of their name, “San” remains the same across the entire species and is a preposition in their language that means “of” or "from". This practice is a hold over from the oldest days of their society where the clan name, originating from the clan patriarch, was typically adopted as the last name. However, as their society and culture developed to see the eventual dissolution of smaller tribes into a singular government, so too did the practice of naming children. With no tribes from which to draw a last name any longer, children often assumed the last name of one of their parents. In some instances, last names can be hyphenated or truncated combinations of both parent's last names.
However, should a Skirran manage to rise to prominence in either their government or religion, they must drop their family given last name and adopt the last name of “'Shyuum”. This now indicates their status as a wise or learned member of Skirran society as 'Shyuum is translated to mean “Wisdom” or “Divinity” in their native dialect.
Religious beliefs:
The Arkh Verata (Supreme Warrior)
Although Skirran society has advanced over time to include more industrial or technology driven aesthetics, their core spiritual beliefs have remained largely unaltered for millennium.
Adopting a polytheistic approach, the Skirrans saw the actions of the gods behind all the elements and forces of nature. However, they did not believe that the gods merely controlled these phenomena, but that each element of nature was a divine force in and of itself. The forces defined in this way included the god, Thail, who represented the vast expanse of their galaxy, and Pekht, the deification of air. The gods could also represent more abstract things, as the god, Skirr 'Heq represented what they considered to be the indomitable spirit of their people and was often portrayed as a non-corporeal phantasm known as the “Arkh Verata”, or “Supreme Warrior”, that was able to transcend and overcome almost any conceivable boundary or obstacle before finally becoming a deity himself. The Skirrans thus believed in a multitude of gods, which were involved in every aspect of nature and society.
Skirran myths about the gods were intended to explain the origins and behavior of these phenomena, and the hymns, prayers and offerings given to the gods were efforts to placate them and turn them to their advantage. This polytheistic system was very complex, as some deities were believed to exist in many different manifestations, and some had multiple mythological roles. Conversely, many natural forces, such as the sun, were associated with multiple deities.
The depictions of the gods in art were not meant as literal representations of how the gods might appear if they were visible, as the gods' true natures were believed to be mysterious and unknown. Instead, these depictions gave recognizable forms to the abstract deities by using symbolic imagery to indicate each god's role in nature or society. For example, the funerary god, Seshat was portrayed as a female Skirran draped in black robes trimmed in ceremonial scripture written in gold lettering. The black tunic was symbolic of the color of dead flesh and the golden writ indicative of the prayer that Skirrans saw as a necessary ritual to help the spirits of fallen brethren to reach the afterlife safely, invoking Seshat to guide and protect them. Unlike other gods that could be depicted in more than one form, however, Seshat, like Skirr 'Heq, has maintained one known form since the beginning of recorded history.
Many gods were associated with particular localities on Shadoon where their beliefs were most important, such as Nehpthys, the guardian of the gates to Teash, the Skirran interpretation of the afterlife, high atop Ka'amoti Peak, the highest naturally occurring point on Shadoon. However, these associations changed over time, and they did not necessarily mean that the god associated with a place had originated there. For instance, the god Eayn was the original patron of the city of Kreesh, capital city of Shadoon. Over the course of several centuries, however, he was displaced in that role by Suban, who had originated elsewhere, as he was considered the god of protection and strength, and was eventually deemed a more fitting deity to overlook such an important and sacred location on the Skirran homeworld. The sociological popularity and importance of individual gods fluctuated in a similar way.
In addition to the major gods, there were also other, less-powerful supernatural beings. These included a profusion of minor gods. They tended to be less universal than the major gods, and were often defined by specific behaviors or tied to particular locations, but the Skirrans did not draw a clear distinction between the two classes. Some minor gods were localized guardian deities, while others were servants of greater gods who performed specific actions on demand. Most of them were inhabitants of Teash, although many others were believed to be present in the world of the living. The spirits of deceased Skirrans, while distinct from the gods, were also believed to exist on the same plane and could affect the world of the living in similar ways. Deceased warriors, or soldiers who fell honorably in battle, were considered to be at least partially divine, and occasionally, distinguished individuals such as former Vastha Nerata, and later Judicator of the Council of Retribution, Rás San 'Shyuum also became deified.
The origins of the Skirran have remained largely unknown, even to the Skirran themselves, though some of their own scientists believe that their people were the result of a long forgotten colony of close biological relatives that had since been lost to time several millennium ago. Still others trend towards a more mystical understanding of their beginnings, espousing a more creationist theory. Whatever the belief system, the common ground between the two opposing ideas is that the Skirran people are believed to have been established on Shadoon for an extensive period of time. Records made available, either by word of mouth or through other intermediary forms of communication such as their written “Chronicles of Time”, suggested that they had been there since before the beginnings of a great ice age that gripped their world for more than 2,000 years.
Early Skirran society was tribal by nature, governed in large part by individual clan patriarchs who enforced a strict warrior culture and preached a strong attachment to the ideals of honor and trustworthiness. In this initial social structure, tribes were entirely independent entities of one another, operating autonomously with little care or regard for the impacts of their actions on rival clans. Territory disputes were common, leading to infighting and civil wars amid the specie's diverging sects. This rather unstable, and arguably primitive system would hold true and guide the Skirran people for several centuries to come before their eventual contact with a collection of sentient beings known as the Drinols.
The Drinols, translated from the Skirran language to mean “Soulless Creature” or simply “Soulless” in more modern dialects, were a conglomerate of semi-sentient, cybernetic beings that operated as a hive mind under an advanced A.I. programming. The ensuing conflict, later recorded as the “Era of Trials” by the Skirran, not only marked their first encounter with an extra terrestrial race, but laid the foundation for a later form of government that would eventually draw the Skirran people together. Conflict with the Drinols went poorly at first, with several tribes being wiped out entirely due to a lack of empathy concerning the troubles of rival clans. Some tribes ignored the Drinols threat, assuming they would grow tired and leave, while others saw the attacks as the physical manifestation of their God's divine vengeance for heretical practices. Regardless of these indifferences however, the Drinols continued their campaign across Shadoon, capturing or killing thousands of Skirran. It was not until the precipice of their species that the Skirran finally realized that unless drastic measures were taken to actively counter the Drinols, their species risked being wiped from the memory of time itself. Setting aside their differences, the Skirran banded together and presented a united front against the invaders. Their move was successful, and they eventually ousted the Drinols from Shadoon. In the wake of the conflict, the Skirran not only gained invaluable technology that would help their civilization to grow and flourish, but now understood the inherent need for their people to begin acting as a single, cohesive society rather than fragmented, nomadic tribes.
The exact origins of the Drinols have never been truly discovered by the Skirran, but scarce evidence gathered after their encounter with them revealed that they may have very well been the product of an experiment in artificial intelligence programming by another, more highly advanced civilization. The Skirran's best estimate suggests that the Drinols wiped out their creators after they managed to attain full awareness. Regardless of this factor though, the Skirran would take the valuable lessons they had learned through the conflict to evolve their species beyond their tribal nature and eventually their own world.
By the time contact was made with other modern galactic civilizations, some ten centuries after the invasion of the Drinols, the Skirran had put the derelict technology to use, extending their frontier across a sizable volume of space within the Shryke Abyssal, perhaps encompassing as many as several hundred star systems before the Skirran government combined the whole of their territory into a single conglomerate know as the Ascendancy Covenant.
The Ascendancy Covenant:
Symbol for the Ascendancy Covenant
Marking a major turning point in their society, the Ascendancy Covenant, sometimes simply referred to as the Covenant, is considered the true end to the primitive tribes and clans of old, and is the current governmental system of choice for the Skirran. Functioning as a theocratic oligarchy, with power over the whole of the species deferred to a select group of individuals, the Covenant served its purpose in spreading Skirran influence across their galaxy, while simultaneously uniting their people under a single leadership. It was also during this time that the Skirran began to chronicle the evolution of their species, keeping records in a vast written account known as the Chronicles of Time, organizing segments of their history into Eras that are measured by points denoted as either Before the Covenant (BC) or After the Covenant (AC) and led by Councils assuming names that reflect the current state of Skirran society. To date, the sum total of Skirran history has been recorded thusly (older time periods at the top ascending to current time at the bottom):
Era of Trials (the Council of Reconciliation established c. 1,000 AC) – 300,000 BC – 100,000 AC
Era of Enlightenment (led by the Council of Redemption) – 95,000 AC – 70,000 AC
Era of Coalescence (led by the Council of Harmony) – 60,000 AC – 59,000 AC
Era of Conflict (led by the Council of Retribution) – 58,100 AC – 58,000 AC
Era of Reclamation (led by the Council of Salvation) – 58,000 – 56,000 AC
Era of Discovery (led by the Council of Ascendancy) – 55,000 AC – 50,000 AC
Era of Transcendence (led by the Council of Humility) – 50,000 AC – Present
For much of the time following the rise of the Covenant to prominence, Skirran history was defined by a passive-aggressive program of exploration and conquest through out the unexplored regions of the Shryke Abyssal. This endeavor, led with with caution by the Council of Harmony, not only delivered the Skirran more in the way of territory and resources, but inevitably brought them into contact with several other sentient species, the most notable of which were the Huragok and Kig-Yar.
Being more aggressive and expansionist species than the Skirran, the Huragok and Kig-Yar formed an alliance against the Skirran Covenant, whom they considered to be invaders in their home territory. This pact would later become known as the Akkeri Consortium. What followed was a century long war of attrition between the three factions that eventually saw the Skirran victorious, routing the Huragok and Kig-Yar beneath the solid leadership of the Council of Retribution, which responded harshly to the Consortium's transgressions by forcing both species back to the far rim of the Omerta galaxy. By the end of the war, conquest had opened up a substantial portion of the Abyssal regions for later colonization and exploration by the Skirran.
Extragalactic exploration:
When the Skirran finally advanced beyond the boarders of their known galaxy and began expanding their influence to include extragalactic venues, how long their voyage took, or if they even knew what their eventual destination would be, was unknown. One account, recorded aboard an unidentified probe discovered by the Gree civilization near the Outer Rim in roughly 55,000 years BBY, stated their journey as taking at least several millennia. However, by roughly 50,000 years BBY a Skirran ship had finally managed to reach the far rim of the galaxy on the heels of the probe, making contact with the Gree at the height of their civilization after having surveyed a multitude of other primitive and uninhabited worlds in the Unknown Regions.
Collaboration with the Gree:
Though the Gree and the Skirran had little in common as far as theological beliefs, they both found common ground in their species' knack for technology, managing to forge a working relationship over the next century as they maintained continual contact with one another. The two species would share small bits of information in exchange for technology, the most important of which was arguably the Gree's Hypergate technology that would allow for near instantaneous travel between any two gates. In exchange for knowledge of their Hypergate technology, the Skirran surrendered a vast portion of their research on artificial intelligence programming.
Even though the Gree were adamantly opposed to droids or any form of artificial intelligence, they were deeply intrigued by the prospect of a self sustaining civilization of cybernetic beings, using the Skirran research to build a number of theoretical models to forecast the potential for such events within their own galaxy. The Skirran, meanwhile, utilized the Hypergate technology that was graciously afforded to them by the Gree to construct one such device on their own world of Shadoon in 45,000 years BBY (having to shuttle the schematics back to their world by traditional means), thus eliminating the need for them to commit valuable ships and supplies from their own people to integrate into this new world.
Following the aggressive actions of the Rakata's Infinite Empire, however, the Gree were forced back into their boarders, despite aid from the Skirran. From there, the Gree civilization slowly declined, while Skirran influence began a gradual rise in the Unknown Regions of space, using Gree technology to bolster their presence, expanding it to at least one other known world, Gotha. For the remainder of time up until roughly 4,000 years BBY, the Skirran would remain largely obscure and hidden, living in secret while simultaneously working to help the Gree re-establish their one honorable kingdom.
An example of a Skirran battleship
Skirran technology is based largely on mimicry and reverse engineering of the technology left over from when they drove the Drinols from their homeworld. Their weaponry is mostly plasma or energy based and most of their vehicles are capable of hovering by way of repulsorlift or anti-gravity technology. Most of the Skirran's hand-held weapons use magnetic coils to direct the usually unstable plasma. This is not to say, however, that the Skirran are ignorant of the true power of their technology.
In addition to physically altering the appearance of captured Drinols technology to be more aesthetically in line with Skirran design, there have been several examples of powerful weapons having been created by refining adopted Drinols technology. One such weapon is what can only be termed as a "magnetohydrodynamic" projector. The weapon's main source of "ammunition" is a molten alloy of tungsten, platinum and iron suspended within a gravitational field of staggering power, and is capable of projecting the mixture at a fraction the speed of light through tight magnetic coils embedded in the weapon's barrel. Several attempts were made to press such a weapon into service aboard Skirran battleships, but the power draw required to maintain the weapon was immense. Coupled with a tremendous heat output that was capable of destroying most ships after just a few seconds of contact meant that this option was eventually abandoned for use in naval projects. Currently, the only existing examples of these weapons exist solely as planetary defense weapons on key colonies within Skirran space.
An example of a Rift Gate orbiting a planet in the Skryke Abyssal
Other technological advancements made by the Skirran include the use of borrowed Gree technology to construct massive orbital "Rift Gates". Working on much the same principle as the planetary Hypergates, the Rift Gates are space oriented stations that are capable of transporting a ship of almost any size instantaneously between points. The Skirran have built one such known station in orbit over Gree, and had used it for centuries to shuttle ships, men, and supplies between their galaxy and the Gree colonies spread across the Outer Rim. However, no Skirran ship has passed through this gate originating from their world for at least 2,000 years. This is due to the fact that the Skirran have adopted local means for galactic transportation.
Whether this is because they are conservative with regards to using their own technology in the presence of foreign species, or because they are simply trying to glean extra knowledge from local technology is currently unknown. Though the latter is certainly more likely as several craft since the Skirran's arrival have traveled through the Rift Gate above Gree, never to return.
Force sensitivity:
The Skirran, by their nature, are not attuned to the power of the Force. However, their telepathic abilities do allow for them to wield Force-like capabilities in the form of mind control. All Skirran are capable of accessing inherent telepathic powers that allow them to tap into the neural consciousness of other beings, especially other Skirran. From there, they can accomplish a multitude of tasks ranging from simple discussions to the power of persuasion and even mind control. However, it is worth nothing that the use of inter species mind control is extremely difficult, if not impossible.
Their will is incredibly strong and attaining control over the mind of a Skirran can prove to be quite taxing if the Skirran does not wish to open their mind up to an opposing force. Thus far it has not been observed that the Skirran are capable of using their telepathy to manipulate the world around them in much the same way a Jedi or Sith can. It exists, almost exclusively, as a form of inter species communication and interaction.