Post by Damocles on Jan 21, 2018 21:31:44 GMT -5
The Imperial Cruiser Spartacus floated in orbit of Centauri Prime, on board Damocles sat in his chambers his helmet on his desk. He was worried the girl they had captured was indeed powerful in the force, it made him wonder where exactly she had come from. Also the young man she was with was strong as well, a mercenary, he hadn't trained much in the ways of the Jedi, but this girl she had been. The intercom interrupted Damocles' thoughts.
"What is it?" He asked the speakers crackled and the storm trooper on the other side proceeded to answer.
Tide Pods: Sir, the prisoner has come to, she is ready for your interrogation.
"Understood, I will be down there shortly" Damocles stood up and put his helmet on before leaving out of his chambers. He made his way to the lift and went to the detention center where she was being held.
Alura came to looking around, she had to get her barring straight. Last thing she remembered was fighting that armored guy with Shinn and Kat then she was, that's when it hit her "Shinn, Kat...oh no" She said thinking the last she had seen Shinn was buried under ruble. "That bastard" She said under her breath, she sat up and sat with her legs crossed closing her eyes trying to reach out with the force to find her friends. There was something blocking her though, something powerful, coming from that planet.
The Phantom class Barbatos dropped out of hyperspace, on board Kat looked around before spotting the blockade of Imperial ships. "Well shit" She said to Shinn and Adrian "You guys do see that right? We're gonna need back up, a lot of back up" she finished saying Adrian looked forward.
Adrian: Yeah I know, hopefully that call I put out to the other Roughneck sects will answer. I still have some friends out there, I hope.
Adrian turned to Shinn who was going over to a normal suit and started getting it on.
Adrian: The hell are you doing?
Shinn turned to him "I'm gonna go over there and get her. If we move the ship any further they'll spot us, but just a single person is more likely they won't pick me up on their scanners" He said to Adrian. "Okay then what Shinn?" Kat chimed in "If you get on that ship and find Alura, assuming you make it to the ship, then how are you going to escape?" She asked him going over to him.
"That'll be up to you two, Adrian's friends should be here soon, you guys will cause a big enough distraction for Alura and I to escape" he told her, she sighed rubbing her head "This is a suicide mission you know" she said
Shinn shook his head "No, I have orders not to die, so its not a suicide mission." he said leaving the bridge, Kat sighed going back up to the pilot seat "How long till the other Roughnecks arrive?" She asked Adrian.
Adrian: I'd say an hour.
Shinn walked over to the air lock "Heading out now" he said to Kat and Adrian over his com link before opening the hatch. He floated out of the ship and activated his thrusters going to the Imperial Cruiser, hopefully the right one.
Post by Zilfer on Jan 22, 2019 17:21:40 GMT -5
Rylar wasn't particularly liking the idea of sending in Shinn alone but it was his ship and his call. He looked between Adrian and Kat.
Rylar: So he's really going to just fly in there in a space suit. Brave of him, though I guess there's something between those two isn't there for him to take such a risk.
He leaned back against the wall peering out the front of the front of the ship as Shinn made his approach on the much larger ship. He should be safe if he keeps the thrusters down to a minimum. Where is Jarlan and the others? He knew he had sent the message according to their encoded transmission system before leaving Nar Shaddaa. They should have gotten it and been right behind them.
Jarlan did not like how often his past was coming up to bite him these days. Ever since the Imperial Remnant had been pushed deeper into space, where he had gone to get away from it all was now starting to once again become an ever day thing. His Rodian eyes opened the moment they left hyperspace sending over a short range communication to the other ship Rylar must be on. Somehow his crew was becoming more and more entwined with these Roughneck mercs.
Jarlan: This is Captain Jarlan, whats the situation and furthermore do we have a plan to get your friend back?
Human Replica Droid
Tech Plus Ammo Capacity Equals I win.
Posts: 22
Post by Volke on Jan 22, 2019 17:54:47 GMT -5
Soren rest against wall, watching Jarlan pilot the ship. "Well things with you just keep getting interesting, don't they? Your friends are in some serious trouble. Strangely, doesn't look like we're the only ones out here..." He noted, as he pointed at another ship in the blackness of space. "Ah so they are also friends of yours. Good, more the merrier. I you need any help from me, let me know. There is more than a few people who would pay me good money for helping take out an Imperial Ship..."
Mentally adding up the numbers, calculating average troops on board an Imperial Ship of that size. Mapping out various routes, as his right hand rested on the grip of his blaster. One thing for sure, this whether they went loud, or quiet. This was not gonna be easy.
Post by Damocles on Jan 22, 2019 20:18:38 GMT -5
Kat looked back at Rylar when he said there was something between Shinn and Alura "Watch your tongue there Rylar, Shinn is just protective of his friends" she told him, Adrian laughed about this some looking back at Rylar as well.
Adrian: I'd be careful, Kat has a pretty nasty temper when it comes to stuff like that.
Kat stepped on Adrian's foot making him wince in pain "How about we stop worrrying about who he has a thing for and start worrying about the fact that he just flew out there by himself, against a blockade of ships. Freakin idiot" she mumbled the last part to herself. Adrian heard Jarlan over the radio he went to answer.
Adrian: Shinn is making his way over to the imperial ships by himself right now. We could cause a distraction to make sure he gets in, but for right now we'll wait. Give him maybe fifteen minutes to make it in.
"Why fifteen?" Kat asked looking suspicious. Adiran laughed nervously when she asked that question.
Adrian: Cause we never purchased more oxygen so that normal suit only had 15 minutes worth of air in it...
Kat growled and hit Adrian in the head "You cheap bastard!"
Alura sat in her cell, she was still freaking out about what was on the planet beneath them. The doors opened and she looked up seeing a storm trooper there. "A bucket head" she said laughing the storm trooper moved out the way and Damocles there, he walked over to her she didn't stand up she continued to sit with her legs crossed. "Girl" Damocles said his voice echoing through his armor "Dr. Iron Doom." Alura replied with a snark. Damocles didn't laugh however.
"You are quite powerful in the force girl. Where did you come from?" Damocles asked her, Alura shrugged closing her eyes "A box" She said to him. He growled and held his hand out this made her eyes snap open as she felt Damocles invade her mind "Get...out..." she strained to say. "You are strong but not skilled, untapped potential" Damocles said to her seeing her past. "Much like that boy you were with, though his rage and violence would make him more suited..." He started to say.
"Shut up..." Alura said to him "Yes more suited to be a Sith" Damocles said about Shinn, Alura's eyes narrowed and turned red Damocles stumbled back a little "There it is, thank you" He said to her turning to walk out, he looked at the storm trooper. "The Roughnecks are here, move all the ships, scan the area for any vessels" he ordered.
Tide Pod: Sir!
The imperial vessels started to move, Shinn saw this as he made his way towards the ships. Thanks to that sudden outburst in the force he guest he was able to determine what ship Alura was in. It was the imperial cruiser that was surrounded by a star destroyer. "Okay" he said to himself, taking out a flare gun and firing it out into space. The flare exploded lighting up the dark space, "That should do" he said looking at his oxygen. It had 5 minutes on it, Shinn nodded making his way over to the Imperial Cruiser.
"You guys see that flare?" Kat asked "It must've been Shinn...is he trying to tell us that he made it to the ship?" She asked.
Adrian: Or warn us, all the Imperial Vessels are starting to move, some of them coming our way the others going to the flare, they must've caught on we were here.
"What are we going to do?" Kat asked.
Adrian: Get ready for a fight.
Post by Zilfer on Jan 22, 2019 20:52:09 GMT -5
Jarlan looked over to Soren nodding about his comment. Through his view port sudden movement caught his eye and he started to determine which ways the ships were headed.
Jarlan: Know a thing or two about firing from a gunnery position? We might need it here in a moment.
He then turned to reply on the comm back to the other ship.
Jarlan: Seems we didn't need to wait the fifteen minutes after all. If you didn't see it we're about to get company. Been awhile since I've had to shoot down any Imps. Looking forward to it. ____________________________________________________________
Rylar grinned a bit at Adrian getting his foot stepped on.
Rylar: I was going to say it was a sore spot for her, but now I'm rather thinking it's you with the sore spot. Fifteen minutes should be enough to make it though he's probably going to be cutting it rather close at this distance.
When the Flare went off he nodded and the movement began with the enemy ships he knew it was probably about time to get into battle positions. This fight wasn't going to be easy.
Rylar: Where do you want me? On the guns, cock pit, or observation?
Human Replica Droid
Tech Plus Ammo Capacity Equals I win.
Posts: 22
Post by Volke on Jan 22, 2019 22:38:06 GMT -5
Soren counted the seconds as they ticked away, waiting for whatever signal was coming. Then the flare went off. He immediately straightened his stance. Nodding as Jarlan asked him about hunnery positions "I know a thing or two, yeah. Where's the gun emplacement on this rig? I'll vape as many Imps as we need." He said as he turned to leave the cockpit. Glancing back over his shoulder at the Rodian. "By the way, when this is all done, and we make it out of this alive. You and your crew owe me a drink, don't care where. But would love to get to know the adventurous people I'm about to help save... We'll call it even..."
Post by Damocles on Jan 22, 2019 23:57:00 GMT -5
Adrian got out his seat and motioned for Rylar to follow him.
Adrian: We'll take the guns, Kat you know what to do!
Kat strapped herself in and grabbed the controls of the ship "Of course I do, you two just better get ready to fire back!" She told them, she looked up seeing TIE fighters launching from the cruiser. "Okay guys you gonna have some flies pestering us in about 2 minutes" he said through the comms.
Adrian went towards the guns pointing at the other one for Rylar.
Adrian: Take the starboard side, I'll handle the portside.
Adrian looked on as several TIE fighters were coming at them in formation, predictable Imperial patterns, they would scatter as soon as the first shots were fired. The ship started to move "I'm gonna draw them in!" Kat said to them as the Barbatos pulled away from the TIE.
Damocles entered the bridge of the Spartacus and sat down in the command seat "What is our situation?" he asked them, an imperial officer turned around to answer him.
Officer: Looks like we had some ships in our blind spot, a flare went off on the opposite side of the ships however, we have dispatched around 16 TIE to bring down the enemy vessels.
"Good, though you said a flare went off on the other side?" Damocles asked, the officer nodded. "Tell security to be on high alert, secure the prisoner I shall be down there shortly" he ordered.
Officer: Sir?
Damocles placed his hand under his chin as if he was thinking "I believe that the flare was a distraction, they are sending someone to rescue the girl" he told his officer.
Officer: How?
Several troopers were running through the halls of the ship as the alert had just been issued. Tide Pods stopped as he heard a noise coming from one of the windows of the vessel, he walked over to it seeing a body floating outside.
Tide Pods: The hell?
The body flipped around and swung some smashing into the window, it cracked, Tide Pods backed up.
Tide: Breach...breach
The window shattered sending Tide Pods out the vacuum as the person landed in the ship, the blast field came up stopping the vacuum. Shinn pulled off his helmet and looked around, alarms were blaring everywhere but he was in. He would find Alura in 10 minutes and get out.
Post by Zilfer on Jan 23, 2019 10:50:28 GMT -5
Loren stumbled into the cock pit her arm cradled in a sling before looking at who at first she thought might have been Rylar up at the front talking to Jarlan but soon realized it wasn't. "Who're--- where are we?" she asked suddenly seeing the Imperial ship up ahead. For a second she feared Jarlan and her hadn't made it out of that Imperial base without being followed.
Jarlan: Not much time to discuss Loren. Sit down at my co-pilot and I'll try to explain things as we go. Loren, meet Soren, a stray I picked up on Nar Shaddaa. Apparently he's got better observation skills than your average Imp trooper.
Jarlan worked on flipping a few systems on his console, and suddenly there was a slight hum to the ship.
Jarlan: Stealth field generator, It'll last for about a minute or two while we get into position to help the others, hold fire until I let you know alright?
He turned back to the console, and Loren put her green hand to her forehead rubbing next to the Mirialan Tattoo's she had on her face. It was just one thing after another. She felt for her lightsaber wondering if Soren had noticed in a slight panic before realizing that it was hanging from Jarlan's belt next to a hydrospanner. 'Guess I don't need it right now when we are about to fly into battle.'
Jarlan: Someone of the Roughneck's got captured and they are sending in their leader to the ship.
"You mean Shinn? He's going in alone?" asked Loren looking out the front towards the imperial ships."And you agreed to this plan?"
Jarlan: I was a little late in getting here actually and their plan was in motion so yes.
Jarlan hit a button to the comlink of the gunnery position in his ship.
Jarlan: Alright we are coming up behind the TIE's open fire! _______________________________________________________________________
Rylar nodded to Adrian as they began to split off towards the guns. He shouted out down the hallway to Adrian.
Rylar: If you can wait until the first TIE fighter goes down, don't want you shooting my ship out there!
As he got into position he trained the guns over to the TIE fighters who opened fire before even fully in engagement range. It wasn't long before one of them was down spiralling off in an explosion.
Rylar: That's my que!
He pressed down on the triggers beginning to return fire, thoroughly enjoying the fact that he got to kill some imperials today, they were after all the ones who had run his family into the ground.
Human Replica Droid
Tech Plus Ammo Capacity Equals I win.
Posts: 22
Post by Volke on Jan 23, 2019 12:52:54 GMT -5
Soren nodded in silent greeting to the Mirialan woman, as he made his way back to the gunnery position. Slipping into the chair, and powering on the display before strapping himself in to the chair. He gave the turret a couple of test movements to make sure it's turning functions were working properly as he waited for the command. He watched as the TIEs came into view, and he started to track their movements.
"Here goes nothing"
The moment Jarlan gave the command, he opened fire on the TIE Fighter he had been tracking. Blasting it to hell with burst of shots. Immediately turning his attention and the cannon to fire upon the next one and the next one. Silently counting off kills under his breath. The briefest thought crossed his mind, and he mentally hoped that Jarlan was a good pilot.
Post by Damocles on Jan 23, 2019 18:03:54 GMT -5
When the TIE fighter was hit the other fighters broke their formation electing to spread out and try to surround the Barbatos and overwhelm it with sheer numbers. "Well, Adrian was right. Such predictable tactics" Kat said under her breath as she maneuvered the Barbatos downward forcing the TIE fighters to do the same, none of them had came from beneath the ship, as if space wasn't 3 dimensional. Adrian, turned his gun to target the TIE fighters that were following them.
Adrian: Alright gonna knock some of em off our tail!
He pulled the trigger and fired hitting one of them, it spun out of control and slammed into its wingmate. Kat switched on her comlink to speak with Jarlan "Hey they haven't noticed you guys yet, wanna get into position to pick some of these guys off our asses?" She asked them as the ship spun to avoid another hail of fire.
Damocles looked at the fight that was happening outside of the Spartacus "Move the cruisers, tell them to not lose that vessel." He stood up and started to exit the bridge "What is our current situation on the intruder?" he asked the officer.
Officer: We found the location that was breached, third deck, seems that Tide Pods was killed during the incident. We believe the intruder is making his way to the detention level.
"Well, thats too bad, I liked Tide Pods. Whatever the case contact 4 of my elite Death Troopers and have them go to the detention center" Damocles said leaving off the bridge.
Shinn stabbed a storm trooper through the back while breaking the man's neck at the same time. He dropped the body on the ground and looked around, he figured the security was going to the detention center, just like he thought they would. Adrian taught him better than that though, first thing first, he would have to cripple this ship and the best way to do that was to knock out the engines of the damn thing.
Walking off a turbolift Shinn entered the engine room. They had left is relatively unguarded, the Imperials were predictable, thinking he would immediately go for Alura. Shinn walked towards the engine as he did he heard something, a hum. "What is that?" he said turning around seeing the man from before with the heavy armor standing there.
"Mercenary" Damocles said to Shinn walking to him, his footsteps heavy, Shinn didn't step back though he reached for his vibroblade, the Thul'um the sword that belonged to that Jedi Master. "I didn't think you were smart enough to figure out where I was going" Shinn said to him.
"Your tactics are quite predictable, even if you were to make it out of this engine room alive, I can guarentee you would not make it off this ship" he said to the boy "You are strong with the force, I wonder how was it the Inquistors missed you?" Damocles said preparing to attack.
Post by Zilfer on Jan 24, 2019 18:27:27 GMT -5
Jarlan heard the call over the comms as Katrina mentioned getting in position.
Jarlan: Already working on it.
His torpedo launcher had locked onto one of the fighters and he had been waiting for them come closely together, and fired. The torpedo flew straight off slamming bullseye into a TIE fighter which shot shrapnel into his wing partner. Jarlan grinned at the explosion. Was it a bit much? Maybe, but it was sure satisfying. His dash pinged as green energy blasted the top of the ship's shields. Pressing a button for internal comms he yelled back to Soren.
Jarlan: Enemy at 7 o Clock, take it down before it overloads our shields. We're not quiet as fast as these TIEs, but we can take a few more hits like that without having to worry.
As Loren went to stand Jarlan kicked her feet out from under her with one leg to get her to fall back down. With a look of surprise and indignation she started to speak but Jarlan spoke over her.
Jarlan: You're wounded right now, and I need help tracking all these TIEs. Let the newcomer show us what he can do, and give him call outs.
Loren took a moment to let the frustration work itself through her before nodding. "Fine, Soren was it? We have another one coming in at the Roughneck's Five O'Clock. Looks like an Interceptor, take that down before it reaches the Roughneck's ship."
Human Replica Droid
Tech Plus Ammo Capacity Equals I win.
Posts: 22
Post by Volke on Jan 25, 2019 14:58:36 GMT -5
Soren swore under his breath as he missed a TIE and it got shot off on the ship. Hearing Jarlan call out a position, he quickly swiveled the turret to 7 o' clock and fired. Bringing down the approaching TIE. Before turning his attention to another, tracking and firing upon the fighters as fast as the turret could handle.
"Sorry bout that, been a bit since I was in one of these. I'll try not to let anymore through."
Soren called over the intercom. Hearing the woman's voice, and called out a position. Swiveling around again, he focused on the Interceptor. Giving it a brief lead, as he fired a burst of shots. Bringing it down in a small explosion.
"Aye Lass, Soren it is. Thanks for the heads up."
He called over the intercom, as he Continued firing at any TIE he could get shot on. Watching as the various flashes of explosion filled the void of space.
Post by Damocles on Jan 27, 2019 2:26:03 GMT -5
The Barbatos spun out of the way of fire from the TIE fighters then dropped further down to continue to draw there fire. Adrian looked and fired again forcing the TIE fighters to fall back hopefully to be picked off by their back up.
Adrian: Kat what are you doing up there?
Kat growled as she continued to maneuver the ship towards the imperial blockade "I'm gonna give them a scare, thats what I'm doing up here" she said under her breath. "We have to draw their attention off the fact that Shinn is there" she finished saying.
Adrian: Yeah, but it means nothing if we're blown out the sky for our trouble!
The Barbatos spun again this time flying upward, it was going in between two of the cruisers which started to fire on it. "Don't worry" Kat started to say "I'm not gonna get us shot down, just keep with the cover fire there!" she shouted. ____
Shinn growled as he knocked back into a wall, his eyes widened as ducked under the red bladed lightsaber which burnt and cut into the wall behind him. Shinn slid away from Damocles who turned to look at the boy, he dodged well. Damocles could tell his was using the force, may be not by will but he was using it even if just by instinct. "Boy, you do have potential, and yet you have not been tainted by the Jedi and their ways yet" Damocles said to him. "I could teach you, you could become an Inquistor" he finished saying.
"I'm a mercenary" Shinn replied to him, Damocles looked at the boy "Then tell me, why are you fighting now. There is no money to be made here mercenary" he asked, Shinn looked around at his surrondings trying to formulate a plan against this guy, he was built like a tank. "Protecting my friends, is my orders" Shinn told him before taking off running to the side, Damocles followed the boy's movements without much problem.
"I see" Damocles said as Shinn disappeared behind the engines, Damocles made his way over to him "And that girl is your friend, no doubt, it is the reason she thinks so highly of you. Then your death will serve as the perfect motivator for her" He said this moving behind the engine to strike at Shinn but he wasn't there.
Suddenly the tether connecting Damocles' saber to his armor was cut, the blade on the saber decreased in size as if it lost power. Damocles turned around seeing Shinn behind him "Deceptive" he said as Shinn went to move again Damocles held his hand out grabbing the boy with the force before slamming him into the wall "I will not make that mistake again" Damocles said to Shinn holding him in place.
Post by Zilfer on Jun 12, 2019 10:55:36 GMT -5
Jarlan pulled up following along behind Kat trying to give Soren some shots at the TIE's following the Roughnecks before having to veer off as green laser fire soared the right of his view screen. "We've got four incoming TIE's on our rear," says Loren looking at the display.
Jarlan: Yeah I see that!
He growled pulling off to the side and flying back a bit of the way they came. He spotted one of the broken TIE pieces floating in the air and changed direction to head that direction.
Jarlan: Prepare the landing boosters to maximum output, we're going to flip.
"We'll loose our increasing forward momentum," says Loren concerned as a TIE manages to score a hit rocking the ship.
Jarlan: Just do it!
Complying Loren prepares the landing stabilizers to maximum output in order to flip the ship. As they passed the sharpnel of the broken TIE, Jarlan activated his proton torpedo priming it.
Jarlan: Alright hit it.
The process wasn't fast but the ship slowly tilted end over end and Jarlan fired missile going straight for what seemed like the four TIE's behind them but instead crashing into the broken TIE and exploding sending two TIE's up in flames and the others careening away. The rotation continued to spin them.
Jarlan: Alright cut it and stabilize, Soren keep them off us, we're headed close to the main ship so they can't fire on us as easy!