Post by Damocles on Mar 17, 2011 18:18:15 GMT -5
Real life I just saw two guys throwin fist outside a little ceasars, this was the crowning moment of funny for this whole damned week for me
Post by Damocles on Mar 17, 2011 22:25:42 GMT -5
Post by Zilfer on Mar 19, 2011 12:08:44 GMT -5
>.> <.<
Post by MikDaTv on Mar 22, 2011 17:27:56 GMT -5
Post by MikDaTv on Mar 24, 2011 13:01:44 GMT -5
Adam: I'm roughly 6 feet at 180 pounds. Proportionately, that's 72 inches to 180 pounds. 10 inches tall... 25 pounds. I just did the math. I need him to weigh 25 pounds.
Jamie: So what you're saying is, he needs to be made of depleted uranium.
Adam: Uh, do you have any? (looks at labeled shelves behind him) Is it under "D" or "U"?
Sir Lord Ash
I dont wanna type a message here...
Posts: 1,887
Post by Sir Lord Ash on Mar 24, 2011 14:57:21 GMT -5
Post by MikDaTv on Mar 28, 2011 16:16:26 GMT -5
Sometimes i love Roger Ebert "A miniaturized assassination robot small enough to slip through the bloodstream would cost how much? Millions? And it is delivered by dart? How is this for an idea: use a poison dart, and spend the surplus on school lunches."
Sir Lord Ash
I dont wanna type a message here...
Posts: 1,887
Post by Sir Lord Ash on Mar 28, 2011 16:41:40 GMT -5
Post by MikDaTv on Mar 31, 2011 10:46:28 GMT -5
If you could change the Nanosuit's voice to anything, what would you change it to?
Definitely to Mario or Luigi.
james earl jones
R.Lee ermy "Maximum armor you **** eating maggot"
Definitely would have to be Gary Busey
That British woman who has a cooking show because she married a billionaire, Nigella Lawson.
Mr. Feeney. Hands down. "Activating Nanovision, Mr. Matthews."
Patrick Stewart "Engage! ..... cloaking"
Those of us from a slightly older generation, remember him as the voice of KITT from Knight Rider! "Activating Nanovision, Michael".
peter griffin
christopher walken "i gotta fever, and the only prescription is more nanovision"
Post by Damocles on Mar 31, 2011 12:58:28 GMT -5
Post by MikDaTv on Apr 1, 2011 17:36:28 GMT -5
*Shepard shoots awake on the operating table as Miranda is working on him*
shep: "What the... who..."
Miranda: "just one more implant to go commander."
*Miranda starts cutting a huge gash in shepards chest*
*Shepard shoots awake in the Normandy sickbay after having been given the cipher.*
Doc: "Ahh, he's awake."
Shep: "What happened? What a nightmare. I drempt i had died and been brought back to life by some ugly chick with a nice body. What's the ships status?"
Doc: "Joker just set course away from Feros. There's someone who's been wanting to talk to you?"
*Doc points to the corner of the room where liara sits with her back to shepperd. She spins around in her chair to show her face is green and her eyes are black and she's holding one of the doctors scalples. She lunges at shepard*
*Sheppard shoots awake aboard the normandy sickbay after touching the beacon on eden prime with Captain Anderson standing over him.*
Shep: "I just had the strangest dream"
Anderson: Did i ever tell you about Saren? By the time I learned the Demon’s intent, there was nothing I could do."
Shep: "Huh? demon?"
Anderson: "Wraith tanks were attacking the burger town. We had to throw smoke grenades to get into the alley behind them"
Shep: "Whats a wraith tank?"
Anderson: "Hey, are you good to go playa? I need to go take out Xanatos with my gargoyle homies"
*Sheppard looks over and sees a group of gargoyles standing next to him.*
*Sheppard shoots awake in his bunk on Akuze.*
Toombs: "Rough night?"
Shep: "Huh, what?"
Toombs: "It's your turn for watch. Nothing to pass. Been feeling these weird tremors in the ground though."
Shep: "Tremors? What kind of...."
*Thresher Maw bursts into the barracks and grabs Corporal Toombs, chewing him up and eating him right in front of Sheppard.*
*Sheppard shoots awakes up in his bed on Mindoir. His mom and dad are arguing again and the sound of strange ship is landing in the distance.*
Post by MikDaTv on Apr 7, 2011 11:21:25 GMT -5
Hardison: Going to Plan B? Nate: Technically that would be Plan G. Hardison: How many plans do we have? Is there like a Plan M? Nate: Yeah. Hardison dies in Plan M. Eliot: I like Plan M.
Post by MikDaTv on Apr 11, 2011 14:17:39 GMT -5
They should bring back Kaiden as an advanced husk miniboss or something just so we can kill him again only this time do it ourselves, instead of letting the geth do it.
The geth kill him, take his body and escape just before the nuke goes off. Then spend the years upgrading his body using reaper tech and turning him into some kind of super husk like saren was. Half way through ME3 you meet, you fight, and this time you get to put one right between his eyes like it should have been in the first 5 minutes of the first game.
* * *
Someone doesn't like Kaidan, obviously. What if you left Ashley on Virmire? Does this happen for her as well?
* * *
You say this like someone would actually leave Ashley on virmire.
Post by Zilfer on Apr 11, 2011 18:19:12 GMT -5
>.> I really don't find carth that annoying.
Post by MikDaTv on Apr 12, 2011 18:10:55 GMT -5